wheres th IN FLAMES board???

and not even a post on the main page...kinda lame on their part. atleast dark tranquillitys board will stay up and dont have to worry bout criticism because DD is actually a good album all around. im not saying R2R sux...but it only had a select number of good tracks imo. and if its true they shut the board down cus fans not liking their new album, then their retarded...they should take the criticism, and work it out for a better next album
I'm very pissed off ! ... now lets see if the swedishmetal forum can handle it ... well this is my home for now ... ive sent a message to fredrik on icq ... lets see if he replies ...
Originally posted by Flaming Death
well, i hope it is something to do with the new fees or just making a brand new forum. if its just to take out the community part for In Flames fans without notice then i might have to question something
As Mark said, this had nothing to do with the fees. There will not be a new forum. For no apparent reason, and no warning, the band simply removed their community section.
Just got a message from kredrik ...

Fredrik Kreem : Hey, sorry to say but there will be no other official In Flames forum.

thanx anyway fredrik .... :cry:
Swedish Metal board is gone too :err:

Ok I have a theory on why the board is gone. If anyone has seen the board, a few nights ago Mattias of the Night pretended he was Bjorn and replied to Greenwater_pond posing as him. He said a lot of negative shit about In Flames and a lot of negative shit about the fans.

Im guessing they shut down because of it. Thats why they shut down back in the first board when people were posing as In Flames members.

On the other hand i thought it was hilarious and obviously was a fucking joke. Overall I think the choice not to have a board period for In Flames is rediculous and childish.

Originally posted by Final_Vision
Swedish Metal board is gone too :err:

Ok I have a theory on why the board is gone. If anyone has seen the board, a few nights ago Mattias of the Night pretended he was Bjorn and replied to Greenwater_pond posing as him. He said a lot of negative shit about In Flames and a lot of negative shit about the fans.

Im guessing they shut down because of it. Thats why they shut down back in the first board when people were posing as In Flames members.

On the other hand i thought it was hilarious and obviously was a fucking joke. Overall I think the choice not to have a board period for In Flames is rediculous and childish.

I hope you're not right, since that would be among the most unjust and inane reasons I've ever heard of closing a board. I could even sympathize with IF over the other reasons, but this crosses over so much into the humourless-moron territory it's not funny. If *one* member is causing trouble, bann him. Shutting the door on the entire fan community without warning shows incredible rudeness, arrogance, and ungratefulness. This is what you get when a band starts acting like rock stars (since I severely doubt Fredrik made the decision).
Originally posted by inflamer
Fredrik Kreem : Hey, sorry to say but there will be no other official In Flames forum.

with due respect to fredrik kreem and in flames, i find this is not enough for all those who have supported the band (and their board) for all this time. if there are reasons to do this, fine, but simply saying "sorry, no more" seems like not caring about your fanbase at all.
i won't indulge on comments about rockstars pose and the likes, the fact itself that such an established band approved of and possibly demanded that their official board be taken offline for good in this way sounds pretty degrading to me.

@the silent smiling jester: you're all welcome to discuss about this and more here, any time. :)
