Which bands are you going to see live?

I have seen Threshold as headliner at the ProgPowerEurope in Baarlo. At this day there were other bands like Suspyre from the US, Pathosray from Italy, Wolverine from Sweden and two Netherland bands.
Yesterday I went to see Alter Bridge in Cologne. The supporting act were "Logan" from Scotland.

In January I am going to see Threshold again.
Astrid, Aredhel and anyone else who are seeing Threshold tonight, I hope you have a brilliant time as always. Threshold never have a bad show, do they? :)

My only future planned gigs are:

21st January - King's X (my very first time of seeing one of my fave bands)
20th February - Judas Priest, Megadeth and Testament (the latter are also one of my very fave bands who I will see for the very first time, also Judas Priest who are a borderline fave band. Seen Megadeth twice)
^ Sorry Rob, I meant to quote you but instead edited the post and posted the following by mistake in your post:

Congrats of getting that gig! Old school FP and Bang Tango are two of my favourite bands even though I don't care for the the current FP line up anymore and the direction they've gone into.

I'm thinking of seeing King's X soon as well as Testament, Megadeth and Judas Priest at the Priest Feast and Testament in March playing songs exclusively from their first two albums
Ahah, thanks! Mod power leads you to excesses, apparently! :D

Anyway, I have to reveal that we got booked basically because the promoters needed a pro backline and we do have it; and, of course, because Jailbreak's habituées support us! :p
And here is a pic from Damian and me from the gig in Bochum :D

Thank you Damian!!!
