Ill Nino - Revolution
Slipknot - Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses)
Lamb of God - New American Gospel
Beyond the Embrace - Insect Song
Meshuggah - Chaosphere
oh yeah. I HAD A GOOD LISTEN. off SLIPKNOT - SUB. 3 VERSES etc etc.
the only good song i could find was "duality", and even that was the usual pale slipknot song, if they could keep the entire album that way, and still pull it off in a credible i-wanna-make-money-roadrunner-ross-robinson-album.. possibly. not so. uke:
Ordered 5 min ago:
Dark Tranquillity - Exposures
Borknagar - Epic
Clamour - Rangaistus MCD
Born of Thorns - New horizon MCD
Chaosbreed - Unleashed Carnage MCD
Arallu - Satanic War In Jerusalem
Fifth Reason - Within or without
I just ordered a shitload of stuff:
1. Electric Wizard - We Live
2. Bohren and Der Club of Gore - Black Earth
3. Eyvnid Kang - Virginal Co Ordinates
4. Acid Bath - Pagan Terrorism Tactics
5. Faxed Head - Chiropractic
6. Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination