Which cd did you just buy?

Yesterday I got the excellent Mokoma DVD and today I got mail
from Ginza that my Character has been sent, so hopefully I get
it tomorrow :D
Hehe, tomorrow, a few hours after I'm done with the exam for this course, I'm going down to get myself a copy of Character,a nd if I not fuck up, I'll get it signed too. :D It's always so fun to get a good record signed. :dopey:
Ahhhhh I totally forgot the release of Character, in fact I had the idea that it would be released 24th of this month, not tomorrow. Guess it's time for the "moooooom" tactic...again. *hangs head in shame* But no more when I have the cd in my hands. :heh:
Then I have to find the cash for Mabool...
Too many...LOL But from what i remember:

Goatwhore - The Eclipse of Ages into Black (now one of my fav bands right now)
Yyrkoon - Occult Medicine (highly recommended)
Behemoth - Demigod
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
Katatonia - Tonight's Decision
TheFourthHorseman said:
Ahhhhh I totally forgot the release of Character, in fact I had the idea that it would be released 24th of this month, not tomorrow.

You remember right, it will be released on the 24th, even my bill for the CD
says that, kinda funny concidering I have it now ;)

Another surprise that wasn't mentioned on Ginza, when I ordered was that
this is actually a limited ed digipak with some live videos from Korea.
Of course I placed my order like a month ago, they didn't even have the
cover back then, now they have updated the info, even tho the name
typo is still there (Caracter).

BTW, the cover is just brilliant :OMG:

EDIT: Just noticed, apparently the first 5000 copies are this limited ed.
(Not sure if this is 5000 from Ginza or all together, maybe rahvin can light
our way about this?)
I received my Character yesterday, will post my comments later. For now I just say that despite my extremely high expectations, the album still managed to impress me. :cool:

My Character still hasn't come. I've been told it will Defo arrive tomorrow :( Im not going to enjoy it now because its taken so long and now Im just depressed instead of excited.

Yesterday I got

Lilitu - The Delores Lesion

Its bloody good. Mellodic Deathmetal/Metalcore. A bit like a cross between Unearth and Omnium Gatherum. Its really awesome.
Korpiklaani-Voice of Wilderness : Funny folk metal band from finland...
Death-Scream bloody gore : "Evil Chuck" (R.I.P.) ,listen to lyrics from this one...
Death-Spiritual Healing: Best American deathmetal band...just had to get this one...
actually, the last cd i bought was Character (from the century media website). it also came with the poster of the album art. I am SO tempted to buy the new Pain cd, Dancing with the Dead on ebay, but its $30