Which should i get next?


Oct 18, 2002
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I have Brave Murder Day and Dance of December Souls (i live both), and i'm wondering which album i should check out next. Note the i've herad Discouraged Ones, but wasn't too impressed from what i remember. I also know that the 2 i have are in a different style than the other 4. But what do you fans think? Should i give Discouraged Ones another try? or go with something else?
Brave Murder Day and Dance of December Souls are my favourites, I would have recommended you those ones, but since you already have them, I would say you could try Tonight's Decision or Last Fair Deal Gone Down, if you didn't like Discouraged Ones very much.. but you should give it another try. All of them have great songs. Maybe you could listen a bit of each one so then you can decide which one you liked the best.
DEEK said:
I have Brave Murder Day and Dance of December Souls (i live both)

i live both :How you do that?
First of all: What is a december soul? A Santa Claus? A Christmas Tree? Or Fred? Ah, no, he didn't play on that one...but maybe it's ABOUT him!? Did you ever see him dance? ANd what is "brave murder day"? A swedish public holiday? When is it? Can also Germans celebrate it? Maybe it's April, 22...
Tonight's Decision took me ages to get into but now I love it...Last Fair Deal Gone Down was an instant favourite and just like you I still haven't got into Discouraged Ones.
So I think you should go for Last Fair Deal Gone Down.
Well, I think 'Discouraged Ones' is easier to get into, because it somehow has the monotony of 'Brave Murder Day'. I took a long time for me to get into 'Tonights...' and I still don't like 'Last Fair...' that much (except for few songs).
But it's of course my own opinion, and everybody has to check it for himself.
Hypnos said:
Well, I think 'Discouraged Ones' is easier to get into, because it somehow has the monotony of 'Brave Murder Day'. I took a long time for me to get into 'Tonights...' and I still don't like 'Last Fair...' that much (except for few songs).
But it's of course my own opinion, and everybody has to check it for himself.

That's probably exactly why Discouraged Ones is hard to get into. :p Cause Brave Murder Day just kills me of boredom.
I wouldn't say monotony is boredom. For me when a cd is monitonous it means the songs are in the same vein (similar structures, mood, etc...). I would never say 'BMD' is boring. It is crushing me down with its load of hopelessness, bleakness and...hm, monotony, hehe. I would claim that in case of Katatonia monotony is a quality mark.
Hypnos said:
I wouldn't say monotony is boredom. For me when a cd is monitonous it means the songs are in the same vein (similar structures, mood, etc...). I would never say 'BMD' is boring. It is crushing me down with its load of hopelessness, bleakness and...hm, monotony, hehe. I would claim that in case of Katatonia monotony is a quality mark.

Yeah I agree...should've adressed that in the post above but didn't really feel the need to. It just didn't click with me when I listened to it in our record store. I should download it one of these days.
last fair deal... i think would be the best choice here. i am hardpressed to think of anything in the newer collection that sounds like the old stuff.

i also agree with Wildhoney, Novembre (from italy) is an amazing band and you should check them out, just go with 'classica' or 'novembre waltz' before 'dreams dazure'.

i would urge you to check out early Sentenced also, very much in the same vein as Katatonia's first couple. 'Shadows of the past' and 'North from here' come in a cheap 2 disk set from century media.