Whitney needs astroglide


May 2, 2001
.. from grey to black
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I'm not sure if everyone heard about this, so that's why I'm saying it:

Whitney Houston apparently did some music awards thing and she is so skinny, impoverished, and disturbingly disgusting that networks refused to air the show, so the producers of the show manaully touched up her perfomance, they widened her, smoothed out the bones in her chest and arms, and even added some flesh to her face to make her less scary.

I saw her last night on the Michael Jackson tribute show, fuck she is disgusting! Watching this, it was obvious that they had touched up this one too, her chest and her shoulders were noticibly blurry, it was like someone had used the blur tool in photoshop to make her look less frightening.

Geesh Whitney, lay off the crack pipe and have a bloody big mac!

As nasty as she is, I'd still rather fuck her than Cher, but if I had the choice I'd rather fuck myself, hehe.

I heard about how skinny she is now. I saw her a while back when she was a lot smaller than she used to be, but now she is even smaller than that. It's just disgusting to see her bones bulging out. You said it, "lay off the crack pipe." I think now that she was singing about her crack pipe when she sang "I Will Always Love You." She certainly wasn't talking about food. :grin:
She was in the movie "The Bodyguard" with Kevin Costner. She covered the song I mentioned above that was originally written by Dolly Parton. I don't know of any of her other music. She was(maybe still is) dating/married to Bobby Brown. They were in trouble for possession of crack a while back. Hope that helps..
I saw part of her persormance on one show. I couldnt say who it was at first. She looks absolutly TERRIBLE, but then again if you arent 50lbs underweight the American culture wont have anything to do with you. Which is fairly ironic since 80% of Americans are 50lbs, or more, overweight.