Who Are Your Favorite POLITICAL Bands?

Megadeth, SOAD.

And if you have no interest in politics in music you are just a shell. Politics are in any human relation with anything. Just how to do things.
Warrior Soul

Tribe After Tribe



Brother Ali

Not all really rock/metal, but this is how you say it which is 100x better than the fucking vacuous bullshit about murderers, zombies, and other jackoff bullshit that some metal bands resort to.
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You can have political lyrics, just make it subtle, and try not to alienate anyone. I try to shoot for things everyone wants and not target one political party or another.
Also, I would never get "preachy" on stage, maybe just a couple of words about what the song is about.
If you want to see an example of someone beating you over the head with his political views at one of his shows, go see Ted Nugent, and his conservative rants.

Also, try not to say anything bad about G Bush if you're playing in Texas (Dixie Chicks), and don't pee on the Alamo (Ozzy)
I like bands who are political people, not necessarily political music though. 'One Minute Silence' are probably my favourite band who have political lyrics.
If you want to see an example of someone beating you over the head with his political views at one of his shows, go see Ted Nugent, and his conservative rants.

Isn't he who say that people that drink and smoke are mentally disturbed?

Also, try not to say anything bad about G Bush if you're playing in Texas (Dixie Chicks), and don't pee on the Alamo (Ozzy)

Was Ozzys peeing a political protest against too high beer taxes? :lol:
I find "social" lyrics very different to political ones, but not like I'm an expert on the subject nor do I want to be

Indeed. Social lyrics tend to be more relate-able.
I love political lyrics, because I'm fairly well read, but I imagine for the average teenage kid listening to Rage Against the Machine today, a lot of the historical, economic and political references would just fly straight over their heads.
I'm pretty surprised : nobody have reached the Godwin point yet. With such a thread title and such a discussion, it's almost a miracle ! It finally seems metalheads are civilized, open-minded, and, maybe, clever people.
OK. Let's tempt you all. Will I dare ??
Here is serious political content. That's a Johnny Rebel's song.

Watch before shooting me !:muahaha:
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I loathe both ND (I'm a huge fan musically but I ignore the lyircs) and RATM (don't like the music at all, but I respect Morello as a player). And I consider myself to be a pretty big leftist. Why? They're an insult to the intelligence. Preaching to the converted? Hey buddy I live this shit every day. And to be straight, I think communism is the biggest fucking delusion ever (I've seen it fall apart before my eyes and leave hundreds of thousands dead, so please, have some understanding).

I really like, musically, Sisters of Mercy (the "goth" rock band) and Tragedy (the "crust" punk band). I feel their extreme leftism implied, hidden in between the lines, especially in the case of the Sisters. That's how it should be IMO. Then again I listen to a whole lot of right wing rubbish, for the music, especially Black Metal, but I keep in mind that even a blind hen can sometimes pick a worm.

edit: In short, if you can sneak in an idea I can relate to politically it is all the more appreciated. I really detest conservative thinking so I might like you less as a person (not a musician). But music after all, IMO, works on a different level, and when it is used as a "tool of ideology", it tends to lose any escapist/dopamine inducing merit. Unless you like being told you're absolutely right.
I heard the Rise Against song on the radio - don't know the name of it - but is it talking about the Katrina disaster?
paraphrased - "We were told help was on it's way, but it never came"
What's does it mean to be a leftist nowadays ?
I mean : if we want to be clearly lucid about the situation, we have to admit the capitalism system has been obviously more revolutionnary than everything else. The market needs to destroy the social traditionnal links, and it did, calling this destruction "march to freedom", "thought indipendance", "right for this, right for that". Being a leftist, I mean someone fighting for freedom and equality, is, in my opinion, quite paradoxical and even funny, since the only revolution left may be the one concerning wealth repartition. Capitalisme did not let any metaphysical room for his opponent, since he realized almost everything Communism promised : a reduced-to-matter-issues existence, mass pleasure and distraction society, a desacrated world.
First of all, as an über-Orwell inspired man, I'm pretty doubtful about Revolutionnary statements. How can you be both a libertarian, concerning, for example, the way people have to live their lives (I mean, most leftist are not against homosexuality, multi partners sex, pot smoking, etc), and an anti-libertarian on an economical point of view ? That's pretty hilarious. Why ? Because, marxist thinkers are always claiming that our individual lives are just the reflected image of the economical superstructure. That means : if your individual life is based on a liberal paradigm, that's because the market needs it to work properly. Being a "always more rights fighter", as a conclusion, means you may be the most rabbid capitalist.
That's why I said RATM, for example, or Napalm Death, were childish in the way they expressed their ideals. "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me" is both a teenager's statement and a businessman one. It means : "my individual desire is my only law, I'm a narcissist", which is exactly what the System needs to carry on working.

For those who are interested in the revolutionnary paradox, a über-clever american historian called Christopher Lasch wrote very clever books. Any left-oriented man should read them.




+ 1 for Misery Index. I like that they seem more observational than preachy.

-1 for any political lyrics by Soulfly. Not sure how one guy (Max) can have good political lyrics in Sepultura and then his lyrics in Soulfly are borderline retarded. Vocals still kick ass though.
Misery Index obviously got the point. Even if I absolutely disagree with some of their statements, their lyrics are really smart and well written.

There's a french band called Hectic Patterns. I would describe their lyrics as socio-cynical. Some of them are great.

I'm surprised nobody quoted LAIBACH. They do have a very strong political approach of music. They even created a virtual State, with a virtual citizenship. More détails can be found on their site.
ArnaudM, I think you and I should have some discussions via PM. I'm also heavily influenced by Orwell. Check out a site I put together so I don't have to bounce around everyday to get the news. It also archives the articles it displays in the backend: http://destroybigbrother.com

To the OP and everyone else:

Bad Religion - Atheist Peace
Propagandhi - Supporting Caste
NOFX - The Decline
Thrice - Under A Killing Moon

I'm hard pressed to dislike anything Bad Religion does. If I do it's the super early stuff before they figured themselves out. Arguably the best band to define what punk rock should be. The singer is a big influence on me as an author as well. Albums I recommend: "Suffer", "Recipe For Hate", "Process of Belief", and "Empire Strikes First". Read "[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Belief-God-Good-Bad-Irrelevant/dp/0830833773"]Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant?: A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism & Christianity[/ame]" I deem Bad Religion as the most important political band ever.

Propagandhi are most definitely the most polarizing band I've encountered. You either love them or hate them. A younger me thrashed to their early stuff with enthusiasm, but I've grown and luckily so did they. They are advocates of Parecon, and they walk as much as they talk. Mature Propagandhi destroys just about any band out there across the board. Albums I recommend: "Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes", "Potemkin City Limits", "Supporting Caste" I deem Propagandhi as the most active political band to date.

NOFX are a joke most of the time, but when they decide to be serious they create some awesome music and share observations too impacting not give mention. What sucks is how much of a joke they are (musically, lyrically, socially) in between moments of clarity since their message is as inconsistent as their songwriting. They don't have albums I'd recommend so here are songs worth listening to: "The Decline" (it's 18 minutes long and one of the best songs ever), "The Irrationality of Rationality", "The Idiots Are Taking Over", "Eat The Meek", "The Man I Killed". I deem NOFX as the cartoon caricature of political bands.

Like Propagandhi, Thrice are a band that doesn't stop growing, but there is something for everyone with these guys. I dig every album to this day but their mature works take things to a new level that their younger albums just don't touch, despite the singer finding god along the way and weaving into songs every now and then. There is a depth here that is unique to them. I usually avoid theism in all forms, but these guys are too good to pass on. Albums I recommend: "The Artist In The Ambulance", "Vheissu" "The Alchemy Index" (4 EPs released as a multi-part album), "Beggars". I deem Thrice as the most expressively human band that talks about anything that matters. P.S. - Beggars and Alchemy Index are post-Island Records DIY recordings.

If you dig any of these bands or share a similar perspective, check out my own stuff at http://facebook.com/nonstateactor
Christifer Latch was a preachy ass that demanded a homogenized "Norman Rokwell" sociaty. If you were a femenist, trying to get a better wage for yourself, are an agnostic, questioning the existance of god, you were summarily cast out of his "perfect, messagesanistic sosciaty - quate - "The patriarch, though he might still preside in splendor at the head of his board, had come to resemble an emissary from a government which had been silently overthrown. The mere theoretical recognition of his authority by his family could not alter the fact that the government which was the source of all his ambassadorial powers had ceased to exist"

Also, just because you have a black man sing an "uber" rasist song, doesn't make it right. How can than vid be remotly political?
The poblem with most consevatives is - life is messy, You might end up with a gay daughter, or be in a marrage, only to find he/she is an insane drug addict. Christefer would have you distance yourself from your gay daughter, and stay in a horrible marrage.
Conservatism goes against nature, because the universe, and the indigenous population's zietgiest is ever changing