What's does it mean to be a leftist nowadays ?
I mean : if we want to be clearly lucid about the situation, we have to admit the capitalism system has been obviously more revolutionnary than everything else. The market needs to destroy the social traditionnal links, and it did, calling this destruction "march to freedom", "thought indipendance", "right for this, right for that". Being a leftist, I mean someone fighting for freedom and equality, is, in my opinion, quite paradoxical and even funny, since the only revolution left may be the one concerning wealth repartition. Capitalisme did not let any metaphysical room for his opponent, since he realized almost everything Communism promised : a reduced-to-matter-issues existence, mass pleasure and distraction society, a desacrated world.
First of all, as an über-Orwell inspired man, I'm pretty doubtful about Revolutionnary statements. How can you be both a libertarian, concerning, for example, the way people have to live their lives (I mean, most leftist are not against homosexuality, multi partners sex, pot smoking, etc), and an anti-libertarian on an economical point of view ? That's pretty hilarious. Why ? Because, marxist thinkers are always claiming that our individual lives are just the reflected image of the economical superstructure. That means : if your individual life is based on a liberal paradigm, that's because the market needs it to work properly. Being a "always more rights fighter", as a conclusion, means you may be the most rabbid capitalist.
That's why I said RATM, for example, or Napalm Death, were childish in the way they expressed their ideals. "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me" is both a teenager's statement and a businessman one. It means : "my individual desire is my only law, I'm a narcissist", which is exactly what the System needs to carry on working.
For those who are interested in the revolutionnary paradox, a über-clever american historian called Christopher Lasch wrote very clever books. Any left-oriented man should read them.