Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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Once it's legal, I probably will here and there. I see no sense in rushing it, and I assume my friends will care to drink more when they are of age as well (the main reason I don't is because none of my friends really do so I have no reason to). However, my family has a history of kidney disease/disorder, and I have had problems in the past, so I don't want to overdo it. :p
I'll probably be going now, but I'll have alternative accommodations. I wouldn't want to be associated with you lesser people anyway though, so it's cool.
Remember that MDF thread from last year that turned into a what would happen if we all met in real life thread?
I can't tell if you're being serious or not. If so, you're a horrible person.

Anyways, everyone who's sharing a room check your PMs. The giant notice has been sent out.
I can't tell if you're being serious or not. If so, you're a horrible person.

I'm going to completely change the way I look just so none of you can recognize me.

In seriousness though, no I don't intend to spend much time with GMD regulars at the festival at all. Especially certain ones.
I'm pretty sure last year all we ate was fast food. :lol:

We might have to try at least one restaurant-ish dinner this time around.
^luckily for me (a marylander) theres a REAL seafood place every few miles

i am so fucking pcyched for this, i can barely express it on a keyboard... time to go masturbate
One thing I remember about eating in Baltimore was that everywhere we went we either saw some other metalheads or some crazy person would come up to us and start chatting. We had an awesome meal in a local chinese place, where some old guy just started talking to us out of the blue. Quite odd.