Who is going to MDF '11

Are you going to MDF 2011?

  • Probably going - DO NOT want to share a room

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Hey we probably need to get moneys worked out soon.

Is everyone cool with the idea of having a single room cost for both rooms? Seems fairer to me if we split the difference.
zabu of nΩd;9644813 said:
Hey we probably need to get moneys worked out soon.

Is everyone cool with the idea of having a single room cost for both rooms? Seems fairer to me if we split the difference.

I don't have a problem, unless this costs me more money lol.
It just means the 21+ people pay a bit more, and the under 21 people pay a bit less. We can collect the money from all the folks in our separate groups, then find out the difference in money left over between you and me, and have one of us pay the other to even it out.
I don't know, I don't mind if it's like an extra $15 or so. I estimated that the total for both rooms was like 2200 and its only like $160 for 14 people.

And I don't understand how your way is fair.
I guess i just see it as less fair for the guys in your room since you're all paying more for reasons largely outside your control. it's the socialist solution! :)
I really don't mind paying the extra few dollars. I wouldn't want to impose on those staying in the 21+ room considering the kid room consists mostly of people from the same party.
Alright no prob, we can keep the money pools separate.

I'll probably PM my group soon to start collecting. Watch thy inbox, thou who art of age.
So I got a PM for the "21+" room despite only being 20 :P Not sure if you meant to or made a mistake in assuming I was gonna be at least 21 (literally going to be a month and a few days away from 21 D: ). Don't know if you want to swap me to the kiddy room or what, but I guess just let me know so I can send the money to the right party.
Zeph listed you under the 21+ room in the OP so that's why I included you. Do not send me money, wait for Schmidt to message you.

If anyone else I PM'd notices a problem with the list, let me know. I'll wait a day or two just to make sure before posting the new cost per person.