Who is going to MDF '11

Are you going to MDF 2011?

  • Probably going - DO NOT want to share a room

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I don't think it matters, just as long as you're staying in the kiddie room.

And make sure that people will give you money.
Have fun dudes! I am actually quite sad I am missing this, though I'd inevitably drink two beers and fall asleep and miss the action.

Maybe too early to be placing requests like this but if anyone can pick me up an Impaled Nazarene shirt, I will send you an awesome Japanese care package worth US $50 or the price of the shirt.
I know this topic has been brought up in the past but should I worry about being mugged/stabbed/beatenupbyabunchofangrygangstas between the hotel and MDF? I've had very little experience with these kinds of things, and I've never lived in a city, or hell even been in one by myself so it will be quite the experience for me. Plus it seems like Baltimore is a crime filled place in itself, not sure about the Tremont location itself.
You'll be fine, just don't act weird because there are homeless people and black people. Baltimoreans are generally nice from my experience. Usually they just want to know why there are all these dudes with black shirts and long hair everywhere.
You'll be fine, just don't act weird because there are homeless people and black people. Baltimoreans are generally nice from my experience. Usually they just want to know why there are all these dudes with black shirts and long hair everywhere.
There's homeless people in Belfast so I was never worried about them. They're usually pretty nice dudes. Alright cool. thanks
Update: I'm about a couple days away from knowing if I can go or not. The issue was not having money for books this semester, but I got that taken care of, and I should have enough money to confirm my spot at MDF. I was going to have my friend lend me money but it seems like I wont even need that now. So, I will know in a few days if I can confirm or not.
Yeah by the time you actually put down the bucks you'll have everyone else's contributions anyway. I don't know why I've made a big deal about advance payments in the past, nearly all hotels let you cancel as late as a day in advance.