You'll be fine, just don't act weird because there are homeless people and black people. Baltimoreans are generally nice from my experience. Usually they just want to know why there are all these dudes with black shirts and long hair everywhere.I know this topic has been brought up in the past but should I worry about being mugged/stabbed/beatenupbyabunchofangrygangstas between the hotel and MDF? I've had very little experience with these kinds of things, and I've never lived in a city, or hell even been in one by myself so it will be quite the experience for me. Plus it seems like Baltimore is a crime filled place in itself, not sure about the Tremont location itself.
There's homeless people in Belfast so I was never worried about them. They're usually pretty nice dudes. Alright cool. thanksYou'll be fine, just don't act weird because there are homeless people and black people. Baltimoreans are generally nice from my experience. Usually they just want to know why there are all these dudes with black shirts and long hair everywhere.
Uh, I don't have the money to drop 1K+ on a fucking room.