Who is going to MDF '11

Are you going to MDF 2011?

  • Probably going - DO NOT want to share a room

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Sounds all swell with me. Is it $27 cheaper per person?

BTW can someone edit the first post? I'm curious to see exactly how many people are going and who is going to be staying in which room. I'll be heading with Guy and bringing 2 bros as well.

no, 27 cheaper overall. so not really much hah
While we are discussing the important stuff, are we planning on having Seinfeld time? I have all the seasons on DVD and will gladly bring a couple.
I know this topic has been brought up in the past but should I worry about being mugged/stabbed/beatenupbyabunchofangrygangstas between the hotel and MDF? I've had very little experience with these kinds of things, and I've never lived in a city, or hell even been in one by myself so it will be quite the experience for me. Plus it seems like Baltimore is a crime filled place in itself, not sure about the Tremont location itself.
As long as you don't wander alone you should be fine. And the span between the hotel and the Sonar is not that long and is well lit.
Yeah, it was kinda scary my first year because it was the first time I've ever been in a city without the comfort of my parents, but the whole area is just filled with fellow metalheads. Just, be careful when the clubs let out, streets get crazy. I'm more worried about the crust fags outside the venue giving me airborne diseases or something.
Just ordered my ticket, so I'll be going for sure. I'll arrive on Thursday and I would like to sleep in the big boys room.
Yeah, it was kinda scary my first year because it was the first time I've ever been in a city without the comfort of my parents, but the whole area is just filled with fellow metalheads. Just, be careful when the clubs let out, streets get crazy. I'm more worried about the crust fags outside the venue giving me airborne diseases or something.
alright, cool. I remember you guys mentioning that the whole place is filled with a bunch of metalheads.
Just ordered my ticket, so I'll be going for sure. I'll arrive on Thursday and I would like to sleep in the big boys room.


*edit* I guess the next few months would be a good time to finally work on my patch jacket.
Stoked at the round of new attendees.

In terms of safety, Dodens and I walked all around looking for Subway at like midnight on Saturday night and I wasn't particularly worried about the presence of any dark ones. Stick to a group and you'll be fine for sure.