Who is going to MDF '11

Are you going to MDF 2011?

  • Probably going - DO NOT want to share a room

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I have zero idea what I'm doing at this point. I'm most likely going to go with the Peoria butt patrol, but I had another friend that was going that said he would pay for a hotel for him and I and he would pay my way there, so I'm not going to turn that down if that goes through

I just realized, you look like a metal version of Chris Farley. That is awesome.
He acts like total fag though.

Who among your stoner doom hardcore fans is willing to drive your ass out there and pay for your hotel room?

If we don't get the turnout for the kiddie room like we had last year, would we just stick to having one room?

2nd Edit-->Also, I'm sure that our friends from last year, Michael and Vince, will be tagging along as well. I'll talk to them in the future. We may be bringing a newcomer as well.
I'll be going pretty likely. Situations that'd been preventing me from going previously are changed, so I'm pretty certain to be there. Just gotta wait for my tax returns to come along to buy the shit for it.

Definitely'll be interested in sharing a room this year on account of it costing me right fucking too much last year to split one with just two cheap fucks who only dropped a combined 80 on a room that cost me over $400.
Fucken A dude, stay with us if you wanna be manly and sikk as fukk.

Ananth had better bring his brown ass over too, I want a piece of that hardcore style.

Fucking drinkthrash Baltimore death party :kickass:
Hopefully 2012 dudes. With Daniel and Andy :) This whole year of 2011 will suck giant huge donkey ass.
tbh mdf is not something i would personally make an overseas trip for, but if you're set on doing it then ROCK ON BROS :kickass:
zabu of nΩd;9582967 said:
tbh mdf is not something i would personally make an overseas trip for, but if you're set on doing it then ROCK ON BROS :kickass:

My primary focus is of course set on Obscene Extreme. My attendance at MDF2012 will hugely depend on setlist and money.