Who is going to this London gig?

Achernar said:
Is clothing sniffable?

its possible to soak the concentrate into fabric and leave to dry, so yes it would be, though the dogs may grab you by the bollix then :erk: not a good idea
Bambi said:
some guy in the uk turned da product into a liquid state and then suspended it bottles of wine that he imported. clever bastard

thats right yea, about 4 weeks ago wasnt it? he was located in kilkenny i think, not sure, may have being from brasil and came in through the uk. see what happened to the nigerian girl , had her head chopped off in a ritual apparently, like the young boy found in london, its time to get them out i reckon, that happened in kilkenny too i believe :erk:
or no im thinking of the guy who put it into the clothes to extract later using certain chemicals, which i cant really say here, dont wanna be giving our archie ideas ;)
ikeaboy said:
thats right yea, about 4 weeks ago wasnt it? he was located in kilkenny i think, not sure, may have being from brasil and came in through the uk. see what happened to the nigerian girl , had her head chopped off in a ritual apparently, like the young boy found in london, its time to get them out i reckon, that happened in kilkenny too i believe :erk:
ah there was a load of them stabbin each other down off gardner street at the basketball courts i heard , chinese nigerians, russians. it was like the united nations meets west side story. you wont hear that in the news though, couldnt be saying bad things about the blow-ins :tickled:

like when the newspapers ran the thing about a nigerian shop being attacked during a race riot on parnell street. what happened was the fugees had walked into a few places demanding protection money, incudling the blue lion ( the blue lion ffs! they have a career criminals only policy in that place) anywhoo when the wannabe yardies came round to collect their money they found out why that pub dont need to pay no protection money :hypno:
Really want to go! My brother said he'd buy me the ticket for my birthday, but he can't come with me cos his wife could go into labour at any time. None of my friends are into the music I'm into. So's looks like I'll be all on my lonesome! There isn't any chance I could meet up with anyone is there?