Who should front NW now?

I think we can say with certainty that Tarja is not coming back. And that may be a good thing. It's easy to be nostalgic about the old material, but she had some real weaknesses as a singer and I would be a little disappointed if they reconciled with her. I'm guessing that they'll pick another unknown. They had their pick of the best vocalists in the world last time, and they chose to go with somebody nobody had ever heard before. And, IMO, she did a good job, she was the right style for the material that was being written, she didn't have Tarja's technical range, but her emotional range was a lot greater. Let's face it, Tarja was pretty much one-note as far as singing with passion was concerned. I don't think she could have pulled off "The Poet and the Pendulum" any more than Annette could have pulled off "Phantom of the Opera".

That being said, I hope they'll choose another classically trained soprano, like Emily Alice Ovenden or Heidi Parviainen, who can take the best of both worlds and move forward. Tuomas is still writing great songs and I don't think their number is up yet. I would love to see what it would sound like with the full symphony orchestra and a lyric soprano together.
I'm praying for a make up with Tarja, I know it won't happen, but in my fantasy world I can dream.

Short of that I would love to see them have hired guns for the old material and let Marco take over for all future lead vocals.

Was never a big Nightwish fan because of the operatic vocals of Tarja, then didn't really enjoy Annete's voice either. On the other hand, I like Marco's voice a lot so if he was doing lead vox, that would be a plus for me. But of course, most die-hard Nightwish fans will disagree...
It'll probably be some young, unknown Finn. Tuomas knows where his bread is buttered.

That wouldn't be a bad idea at all. #1 it would give them someone pliable to work with and #2 it would be a new voice that nobody can compare their old work to.
I think it'd change the sound too much, but I'd like to hear NW with Marcella Bovia
I doubt they'll pick some young, unknown Finn. They tried that before (ok, a Swede), and obviously she couldn't handle it.

I think Nightwish will go for a seasoned, experienced vocalist next, with some sort of name and exposure already.
Again, everyone has their favorite they would like to see front Nightwish, and I do also, but here again, make it an "I WISH" instead of rumor. And Yes I have my choice Floor is at the top.

And as far as Marco's vocals killing the fanbase, that is pure bull crap, if anything the fanebase increased ten-fold when he joined. Source, look at #of CDs sold before he joined compared to now, now he may not be the sole reason but he had alot to do with it.
1) Unknown Finn singer
2) Elize
3) Sara Jezebel Diva-I don't know what she is up to now a days, but she was phenomenal with Therion
I haven't read all of the posts so maybe someone already said this, but the new NW vocalist should be either any one of the females who has been in & out of Therion, or they should just become a 4 piece and let Marco sing. It would turn Nightwish into Epic Tarot!
Was never a big Nightwish fan because of the operatic vocals of Tarja, then didn't really enjoy Annete's voice either. On the other hand, I like Marco's voice a lot so if he was doing lead vox, that would be a plus for me. But of course, most die-hard Nightwish fans will disagree...

Marco's got a 20+ year project going already with him in the lead. Tarot is his band, and Tuomas is ultimately in charge of Nightwish. I don't think either one of them would be happy with that arrangement.
I think it would be HEALTHY for the band to just be a four-piece and let Marco sing lead. Having less hands in the cookie jar certainly makes things easier. Then again, there are too many fans are stuck on the idea of having a female lead for the band for them to change the dynamic that drastically. They wanna keep things consistent for the sake of the brand. Plus, like folks have said, Marco has his own thing.
I think it'd change the sound too much, but I'd like to hear NW with Marcella Bovia

I would think living in Mexico would work against that.

She currently is doing solo material. Her solo albums are great and Angtoria, her band from 2006, were amazing. Not sure if Angtoria still exists, though.

She would be a great addition to Nightwish!

I liked Angtoria. Didn't like her solo CD all that much.

Personally, I would gather that they'd go with a relative unknown who is relatively cheap and would be just glad to be there. As others have said, this is Tuomas' show and it doesn't sound like he'd deal well with someone who will hog the spotlight.