Who should front NW now?

The two big names are obvious, but then they were obvious last time Nightwish needed a new vocalist.

If they just want someone who sounds like Annette to continue with their current direction, they could do a lot worse than Issa.
I've seen Epica live a handful of times now, and while Simone is always fantastic live, Amanda was MUCH better, IMO. I really enjoyed seeing her fill in for Simone on one tour after Simone got sick. It's clear to me why Amanda is/was the teacher, and Simone the student. Hard to mold a fabulous voice if you don't possess some singing chops of your own. :)

Although we're talking about subjective opinions here, I'm surprised to hear this. I saw Amanda with Epica as well. She's a great singer, no doubt, but the tone of her voice is not that unusual. Simone has a distinct voice and it seemed like something was missing with Amanda's more common sounding voice.

Ironically it's for this very reason I think Amanda would be an excellent candidate for NW's new singer. She has the chops and the range to sing a lot of stuff and because she doesn't have a very distinctive tone she would fit in as a member of an existing band very well.

I'm not trying to criticize Amanda in any way, I like her work a lot. Simone singing with Nightwish, for example, would become Epiwish or Nightica, her voice is just too distinctive to be a new member in an well established existing band without my ears constantly hearing a blend of two artists rather than one unified band.

For that reason I agree with other comments that Floor is probably not an ideal choice for Nightwish's new singer although I thoroughly enjoyed her performance last night.
Anyone have any info on What time Nightwish is on stage and how long their sets with Floor are? I have a long ride back home after the show tonight and I'm just curious on how that's gonna work.
Another reason why I think Floor is great as a fill in but not so good as a replacement is that she is such a standout personality that she belongs with a group backing her, not a group she fronts for...if you know what I mean?

That’s a good point. I also would partially worry about Floor’s vocal dominance being wasted, particularly on the newer Nightwish stuff. ReVamp songs like “Head up High” and “Disgraced” show a level of vocal power and belted notes that are completely unmatched. ReVamp can do that stuff because it’s Floor’s band and she and other members write for her. Still though, I totally get the appeal of more fame and earning a very comfortable living in NW.
Another reason why I think Floor is great as a fill in but not so good as a replacement is that she is such a standout personality that she belongs with a group backing her, not a group she fronts for...if you know what I mean?

Except she's done that for Revamp, and in my opinion, the results were mediocre at best.
Except she's done that for Revamp, and in my opinion, the results were mediocre at best.

Yeah, but if she actually enjoys being part of the creative process, she might not want to be a part of NW.. unless they're cool with giving her creative input, which would be great, but it's always a risky venture for such a huge brand to take creative input from someone new.
Yeah, but if she actually enjoys being part of the creative process, she might not want to be a part of NW.. unless they're cool with giving her creative input, which would be great, but it's always a risky venture for such a huge brand to take creative input from someone new.

Floor tramples Anette in every aspect. Anette doesn't strike me like someone who can be helpful when it comes to writing new songs. Floor however is a great songwriter, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nightwish allowed her to participate in the songwriting process. After all, we're talking about Floor Jansen here, not Anette. :lol:
Floor tramples Anette in every aspect. Anette doesn't strike me like someone who can be helpful when it comes to writing new songs. Floor however is a great songwriter, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nightwish allowed her to participate in the songwriting process. After all, we're talking about Floor Jansen here, not Anette. :lol:

Yeah, I hope that's the case. From the videos I've seen of Floor, suddenly Nightwish feels just a bit more metal. Hope they keep it up.
Floor tramples Anette in every aspect. Anette doesn't strike me like someone who can be helpful when it comes to writing new songs. Floor however is a great songwriter, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nightwish allowed her to participate in the songwriting process. After all, we're talking about Floor Jansen here, not Anette. :lol:

Tarja wasn't involved in the songwriting process with NW either. Tuomas pretty much has full creative control. He's used to having full creative control. He doesn't strike me as the kind of person who is willing to have anything less than full creative control. I doubt Floor will be given much say in the songwriting process. Nightwish is Tuomas' baby.
Definitely NOT Simone Simmons - that would be revisiting the Tarja-era with the screeching operatic vocal style. My ears and CD player couldn't take it... :)

But - isn't this is now a moot point? Is Floor Jensen the official now moving forward? Should be interesting to see how this shapes up, regardless. It's going to be even more interesting to hear how she fits into the Nightwish sound. I'm on the fence about what I've heard so far. I don't think it will be Tarja-era II or Anette-era II, but the verdict is out for me until I hear some new material with Floor on vocals and (perhaps) involved in the writing process...
Tarja wasn't involved in the songwriting process with NW either. Tuomas pretty much has full creative control. He's used to having full creative control. He doesn't strike me as the kind of person who is willing to have anything less than full creative control. I doubt Floor will be given much say in the songwriting process. Nightwish is Tuomas' baby.

I think the only other one he gives creative input from occasionally is Marco, as I have seen his name in credits before. I sorta doubt he'd give her much input though, but if he were to, I think she'd be one of the few singers he would allow to do so.

As for her not willing to be a part of something if she doesn't have input, I wouldn't say that. I mean, let's be honest here, she would definitely have the biggest success of her career fronting Nightwish. Plus, she could always do what Marco does and just do her own thing when Nightwish is on a break.
Anyone have any info on What time Nightwish is on stage and how long their sets with Floor are? I have a long ride back home after the show tonight and I'm just curious on how that's gonna work.

I think it may be too late, but I'll answer anyway. Last night it was Kamelot 8:00-8:45 and Nightwish 9:20-10:50.
I'm hoping for Floor Jansen as NW's permanent replacement. She's a class act, extremely easy on the eyes, and damn, what a voice! If REVAMP is still very important to her, both could exist together I'm sure. Marco and Empuu each have their own bands. Floor could take NW even another step higher if there's another step to take.
I'm hoping for Floor Jansen as NW's permanent replacement. She's a class act, extremely easy on the eyes, and damn, what a voice! If REVAMP is still very important to her, both could exist together I'm sure. Marco and Empuu each have their own bands. Floor could take NW even another step higher if there's another step to take.

Floor's voice alone would make it a perfect pairing. She has the technical skill of Tarja and the passion of Annette. I think they could do amazing things together without compromising on anything live, either. Her versatility would probably open up some doors for Tuomas songwriting wise. It's just a question of whether they will get along behind the scenes, and I guess the next couple of months will give the answer for that. God I hope they come back to the USA soon... :(
I've had the pleasure of seeing Nightwish with all singers and Floor by far is the best. Holy crap, but she has it all: voice that does the old songs justice and takes the new songs to new heights, stage presence that neither Tarja or Annette had and charisma unlike the other two (she headbangs, she dances sensually when needed, has eye contact with audience, she speaks clearly between songs...). I mean, she has it all and by far my most enjoyable NW show. Slow love slow was incredible, and if there wasn't a guy in the audience who had a little twinkle for her then, he must be gay (not that there is anything wrong with that). I can't imagine once she gets even more comfortable and confident out there - she will kill.

All in all, perfect match for NW and if you get a chance to see them, please do so. She is that good.
After seeing the show last night in Tempe, I’m praying to The Metal Gods that Floor becomes a permanent member. She totally owned both the Annette and Tarja-era material. If you were seeing the band without knowing their history, you’d have *no* idea that Floor just stepped in a week ago. :worship:

In fact, I found myself checking out the rest of their itinerary today, thinking, "Hmmm...Mexico isn't THAT far away..." :)

Would love to see this line-up get an opportunity to make some magic in the studio!
After seeing the show last night in Tempe, I’m praying to The Metal Gods that Floor becomes a permanent member. She totally owned both the Annette and Tarja-era material. If you were seeing the band without knowing their history, you’d have *no* idea that Floor just stepped in a week ago. :worship:

In fact, I found myself checking out the rest of their itinerary today, thinking, "Hmmm...Mexico isn't THAT far away..." :)

Would love to see this line-up get an opportunity to make some magic in the studio!

Agree 100%. Floor completely owned the stage. There was no sign of nerves or any holding back. It was like she had always been the singer of Nightwish. At one point there was a "Floor, Floor" chant that came from the crowd and you could see that she was totally taken aback and humbled. The chemistry between her and the rest of the band was undeniable. Plus as a bonus we got a song that I don't think has been played on this tour yet.....Ever Dream from Century Child. And it was glorious. I am praying she becomes a permanent member and that Tuomas can put his ego aside and let her contribute both musically and vocally. That's the only way I see this working. But for those that have the chance to see her these last few dates I encourage you all to make the extra effort to go. You won't regret it.
After seeing the show last night in Tempe, I’m praying to The Metal Gods that Floor becomes a permanent member. She totally owned both the Annette and Tarja-era material. If you were seeing the band without knowing their history, you’d have *no* idea that Floor just stepped in a week ago. :worship:

In fact, I found myself checking out the rest of their itinerary today, thinking, "Hmmm...Mexico isn't THAT far away..." :)

Would love to see this line-up get an opportunity to make some magic in the studio!

Totally agree, Last night in Tempe was magic, I had a special seat at the sound board, and when they did "EVERDREAM" i almost peed on myself. Floor was in rare form, and by that I mean 150% above and beyond., The band was spot on and having so much fun. Had a great lunch with Marco, really good seeing him again and just sitting a talking a bout family and how good life is now.
AND KAMELOT!!!!!! HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!! they were firing on all cylinders and more, best KAMELOT show i have sever seen, and thank goodnes Tommy is okay, for those that don't know or haven't heard he took a tumble off of stage Left in Tempe, landing on his shoulder and hitting his head, no serious injury and he never missed a note.
A great time was had by all at this sold out event, the crowd was singing along, and shouting and screaming it was magic. Off to Austin on Wednesday morning early flight for the show wed. and then down to Houston, Courtesy of a very good friend and great person.