Who should front NW now?

And as far as Marco's vocals killing the fanbase, that is pure bull crap, if anything the fanebase increased ten-fold when he joined. Source, look at #of CDs sold before he joined compared to now, now he may not be the sole reason but he had alot to do with it.

I think you misinterpreted what I said. He definitely helped when they brought him in and he does a great job singing on the songs he does, I just think it would alienate the fanbase if they got a male-only singer. The heart of this band is when there is a female lead.
I think it would be HEALTHY for the band to just be a four-piece and let Marco sing lead. Having less hands in the cookie jar certainly makes things easier. Then again, there are too many fans are stuck on the idea of having a female lead for the band for them to change the dynamic that drastically. They wanna keep things consistent for the sake of the brand. Plus, like folks have said, Marco has his own thing.

I wouldn't be against this. I would have preferred that over Annette. Then again, you are cutting out most of your catalog of songs by doing that.

I think you misinterpreted what I said. He definitely helped when they brought him in and he does a great job singing on the songs he does, I just think it would alienate the fanbase if they got a male-only singer. The heart of this band is when there is a female lead.

No way do they go this route. They lose a huge part of their identity and eliminate the bulk of their songs from future performances.
Amanda Sommerville or Floor Jansen.

To be fair, their current bands (ReVamp and Trillium) will likely not get anywhere relevant in the metal scene (both sales and poopularity-wise), so they should take the opportunity if it's presented to them.

+1. I'd love to see either with NW. I stopped listening once Annette joined -- just too ordinary.
You crazy.


lol, thanks for having my back, Jen.

I remember when Epica was the house music at one of the ProgPower's past. The "Voice" came on and said, ...'That was Epica from their debut..." I ran out to the vendor room and Ken Golden had a mad stack of them. Picked it up immediately and haven't looked back since.
+1. I'd love to see either with NW. I stopped listening once Annette joined -- just too ordinary.

Another reason why I think Floor is great as a fill in but not so good as a replacement is that she is such a standout personality that she belongs with a group backing her, not a group she fronts for...if you know what I mean?

Amanda strikes me as someone who fits more in the team environment/business environment that is NW.
Charlotte from Delain. She would be a perfect fit imo!

This wouldn't actually surprise me, considering Marco is used to working with her and she is much closer to Annette's style of singing than Tarja's. I hope not. Nothing against her, as I like some Delain, but I just think Nightwish is at their best with an operatic singer, even if some don't like that.
Floor Jansen is a no-brainer, but I'll also agree with Amanda Sommerville. I've seen Epica live a handful of times now, and while Simone is always fantastic live, Amanda was MUCH better, IMO. I really enjoyed seeing her fill in for Simone on one tour after Simone got sick. It's clear to me why Amanda is/was the teacher, and Simone the student. Hard to mold a fabulous voice if you don't possess some singing chops of your own. :)