Why Bodom instead of Norther

Ah you know what I meant.. Dragonfire is a shitty bootleg guitar making company. Dragonforce is a bootleg combination of all guitar virtuosos crammed together with Michael Bolton on vocals.
cob and norther are very similar for all those people who say they are completely diferent. they have a similar style in the way that they both have alternating guitar and keyboard solos and they have similar vocals. of course you can tell them apart, but you have to admit they do resemble cob quite a bit, and they are friedns with eachother, so they probly influence each others music a litle bit.....and yes, dragonforce is awesome.
The thing about Norther is that if they had melodic vocals, they'd sound like a fairly ordinary power metal band. CoB has way more time changes and though I hate to say this, they lean towards "hardcore", and I think it's those elements that are getting them really big right now. What Norther DOES sound like though, is Imperanon(or the other way around). Regardless, the Finns know how to fucking thrash, and they should all do one huge tour!
Abrasive-X said:
Norther also had group shouts before CoB so dont say they took that from CoB, it was the other way around.
Not that I'd give a rats ass but anyhow :

Actually, Follow The Reaper (recorded Aug-Sep 00) has some group shouts (for example Bodom After Midnight's "Kill, Kill Kill!" at 1:08). Norther's first effort, "Released" -single, was recorded in August 2001. Saying COB took the group shouts from Norther would be a bit ironic anyway since it was Alexi and Alexander who did their first group shouts ;)

I think DOEW sounds a bit like COB.. but you can't really compare MOM or especially DU with them, it's just the same genre. I like Norther. It's a shame they can't seem to get away with the COB comparisions.
you know what's funny is if you play the group shouts "kill, kill kill!" from bodom after midnight (1:08) and the "kill, kill and kill" from death unlimited (1:17) right next to each other.

i think you can definitely tell norther apart from cob. i mean yes they have similar vocals etc., but so do a million other bands. you cant compare on vocals alone. they do have some of the same ideas (alternating key/guitar solos) but i think there is a definite stylistic difference. and not talking about norther or cob : when it gets right down to it, every band gets influences from other bands, and when that band is good enough, they can take that influence and change it into their own sound.

now stop arguing and go listen to Wintersun.
I do have to say that I have preference for Norther's lyrics a bit more. Some of em are pretty damn cool. But yeah, they can't seem to shake that comparison. Even now, they can't even shake it, even with Bodom's newer sound on the EP, and Norther's newer sound on DU.

Also keep in mind...Norther formed in 1996 under a couple different names. I havn't been able to get ahold of the Warlord demo(very hard to...the only people I know that have them are well, Norther, but some others might :D) Before any of Bodom's full lengths even came out. Honestly, if i HAD to pick a Norther album that had more CoB influence...it would be Mirror of Madness more than DOEW to me for some reason. DOEW is possibly one of the best debut albums I have heard.

And Yes, Wintersun is a great fucking album. Don't forget to listen to Ensiferum too! Hopefully...Spinefeast on Friday!

Yes, Dragonforce rules and are a wonderful amalgamation of guitar virtuosos and string masturbation in one band. :D

And you should all listen to Running Wild's The Pirate Song. Thx. :D
Fenrir13 said:
I havn't been able to get ahold of the Warlord demo(very hard to...the only people I know that have them are well, Norther, but some others might :D)

I used to have it. I gave it to Ceebe ages ago.
Fenrir13 said:
Yes, Dragonforce rules and are a wonderful amalgamation of guitar virtuosos and string masturbation in one band. :D

And you should all listen to Running Wild's The Pirate Song. Thx. :D

I love you (to the DF reference)

And, Go listen to some Battleheart!
Hehe....thanks :D But its so true.

And its cool you had the Warlord demo....one of those things that ain't easy to come across. Damn, I would have taken it off yer hands. Ahh well, I think I might be able to procure one here somehow. I am always willing to trade, I got some stuff that might be of equal value. Then again, before I started looking for it, I didn't know that many people CARED about the Warlord demo. :D
gkelter said:
Seriously, Dragonfire is a ridiculous display of guitar skill. They have some great fucking soloing ability, but as a whole I would prefer that they didn't even exist.

Norther DOES NOT sound like CoB AT ALL. That isn't an opinion, that is pure fact. Their melodies have no similarites and their rhythm has no similarity either. Children of Bodom's songs are all on a whole different level of complexity.

Grow some fucking ears.
Dragonforce is fucking gay, if you want to listen to a guy with no balls singing and the same rythmn guitar all over again in every song with the same fucking drum beat everytime, fine so be it. And that asian guy sure can shred but who cant over power metal riffs :D

oh and Scotland sucks =) awaiting Gavin's fooking fury!