Why do people think Opeth is so great?

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:lol: :lol: :lol: These pics are amazing.

Cannae believe this pissing contest is still running. Ach well.
None, whatsoever.:cry:
I couldn't care actually.

Some English teacher you are. :erk:
I was pointing out grammar not spelling but you're right. Oh how I should be condemned for a typo. Now throw away the key.

And to be on topic, I don't know why I like Opeth. I don't think that they are the most amazing band ever or anything. Their music just personally appeals to me.
I think theyre fukin deadly. April Ethereal is such a great song. Ghost Reveries destroyed. Deliverance was bad ass. Damnation has sweet soft songs such as Windowpane and In my time of need. Blackwater park not so much... My arms your hearse was an epic album. Opeth has cleans and distorted parts to almost every song. They sing and scream, the riffs are sweet. I get shivers down my spine when i listen to Harlequine Forest or Hours of Wealth.
i like opeth because of how versatile mikael akerfedlt's (i apologize for a spelling error) voice is. also, the music is awesome no matter what they are playing.
Dimmu Borgir kick the living shit out of Cradle of Milf.

.....just thought I would throw that in there for the lolz.
At a festival, I met and had dinner wi' a groupie who got shagged up the arse by a member of Cradle. She said it lasted about 30 seconds, and she was drunk off 'er heed. The end. True story.
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