Why do so many people dislike Deliverance?

You said it yourself though. You're new to the band, you haven't had time to let things grow on you. You're just coming out here and saying Deliverance is the best when I bet you've only heard the other albums two or three times.
not to anyone in particular - The guys in Opeth are so incredibly talented and in 20 years their collection of music is going to be quite diverse. You think what they have done so far keeps changing, but you should be open minded to the fact they have such talents and musical interests that have yet to be explored. Time Will Tell.
thebleakaffinity said:
You said it yourself though. You're new to the band, you haven't had time to let things grow on you. You're just coming out here and saying Deliverance is the best when I bet you've only heard the other albums two or three times.

I've also said in other posts exactly what you just have - that once I've absorbed all the albums over a year or two I'll probably prefer one of the more experimental things like MAYH. I've also said that Deliverance is the best In My Opinion - which it is. No matter what anyone else thinks, Deliverance is the best Opeth album in MY opinion.
And I've heard Blackwater Park loads of times, MAYH a load of times and Still Life a fair few times. Morningrise I've not had so long but I'm finding great melodies all over it already. :headbang:
SADUDE said:
I also like straight death metal, but if that is what I wanted I would listen to the infinite number of clones in that style. Opeth is becoming less unique with each release. (THe last 2) Everything is subjective but this forum is helping to understand why Opeth is becoming stagnant. The old fans are over run by the new nowadays. I am not saying they sold out because they still have day jobs and aren't on mtv cribs or anything. I can see that everyone is just satisfied with the mediocrity that is becoming opeth. I am beginning to think opeth could record themselves on the shitter and everyone would still buy it calling it a masterpiece.

How is damnation making them less unique? They put out a record that most band would'nt dare put out, and they sucseeded.
Episode 666 said:
How is damnation making them less unique? They put out a record that most band would'nt dare put out, and they sucseeded.

Well, dumbing down the muscianship(esp, the harmony), and adding more power chords just to be heavy is not original. Wasted potential...
The reason so many people don't like Deliverance might have something to do with the fact that there's maybe half an hour of music on there. Not literally, but I skip Wreath every time. The intro really aggrivates me. It takes a good few minutes before they do something good, and then at the end they go back to the awful intro riff. I think it's the worst song Opeth has ever done. Deliverance, on the other hand is one of the top five they've ever done. Everything about it is great. And I don't think the outro is boring, despite being four minutes long. Listen to the drums on it. The last four minutes there are so tight. I'm always impressed with it. I never really got into AFJ. The intro never kept my interest, and I didn't really like the heavy parts. For Absent Friends is nice, but nothing special. MA is excellent. Great dynamics, transitions. BTPISIO has a great intro, but once the verse kicks in, it goes downhill. I really don't like the chorus much. Then there's the pointless silence and backwards stuff at the end. You really only get two or maybe three songs that you can get into. Not like Morningrise, where all five tracks are unbelievable, or any other ones for that matter. I don't think this is the end of Opeth, or anything. Once they combine their mellow/heavy stuff again for the next album, they're going to kick all of our asses.
SADUDE said:
Well, dumbing down the muscianship(esp, the harmony), and adding more power chords just to be heavy is not original. Wasted potential...


Are you retarded? I'm far from a fanboy, but adding more power chords? Hve you even listened to Damnation!? Maybe you mean Deliverance...

If not...fucking stupid post...:p
Very good question. I believe that it is a great album. Not my favorite, but great. It might be the heaviest album, prehaps that is why people dislike it... I know for a fact, as well as everyone else, it is a different style, obviously Mikael was influenced by Steve Wilson. I don't think that this is bad, because it gives Opeth a wider style of music. They have evolved quite well, and I do see Opeth getting some hits on US Billboard, Radio Stations, and TV Stations eventually.
SADUDE said:
I never said Opeth's increased fanbase made them write boring music.

You are arguing for the sake of arguing then, because that actually is what you said before. The so called "experimenatation" that you find so funny has been prevalent with every album, and with every album Opeth released their fanbase has grown. Apparently, to your ears, experimentation = watered/boring power chords and really what you are trying to convince us all is:

SADUDE :wave:
Deliverance is many people's least favourite because some of the riffs aren't quite as interesting, the clean-vocalled parts are quite different, and it doesn't really have as much variety as earlier albums. That said, it's an amazing album.
What keeps coming up on this board is how many people dislike Wreath. I personally think it is the ugliest riff Opeth have ever created.
This is one reason that but an influential one in why Deliverance does not rate highly. The remaining tracks are very different from the opener.
Well a great band is not withot its flaws.
I really dig the Coroner influence on later tracks, making this a brilliant yet not one of my favourite Opeth releases.

Great music great band, worst opening track ever...
I didn't like that riff very much either. Time passed and it grew on me. I can understand all the negative feedback on that opener. I still love every song and actually like it more than BWP. Maybe because I like the song BWP so much and the rest sounds nothing like it...Still a masterpeice in my mind but I don't think they or anyone will ever top any of those first 4. If they do I'd be convinced there was some kind of spiritual pact with an unearthly being. Thanks for reading!
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I disagree. If you look at great bands like Maiden, Metallica, AC/DC, Priest even Morbid Angel or Obituary you'll find that the fans are pretty much agreed upon which is the bands best era. (Maiden from debut to Seventh Son, AC/DC the Bon Scott to BIB years, Metallica Black album and before, etc).

I totally disagree. I believe, that if you go into any band's forum (at least for those bands who have a decent sized catalogue) and post a "Favorite CD" poll, you won't find agreement among fans, as to which is that band's best disc.

TakinTheMusicBack said:
I honestly can't see how Still Life is any better than BWP.

Here are the Top 7 reasons "Still Life" is better than "Blackwater Park":

1. Moor
2. Godhead's Lament
3. Benighted
4. Moonlapse Vertigo
5. Face of Melinda
6. Serenity Painted Death
7. White Cluster

TakinTheMusicBack said:
They are both similar in terms of song structures with one glaring difference...

Song quality. The songs on BWP just aren't as good (IMHO).

TakinTheMusicBack said:
...BWP has the frankly fucking AWESOME title track. Can any serious Opeth fan tell me that after the quiet bit in BWP (the song) when THAT huge riff kicks in and Mikael growls from the bowels of hell itself they don't think "What a fucking amazing song!" to themselves?

Moments like that on BWP are far less frequent than they are on "Still Life" or on a number of previous Opeth CDs. And as far as that song being an Opeth classic, I don't see it. Interestingly, the band didn't perform it on the BWP tour. And I don't recall anyone posting here saying how they couldn't believe they didn't that play it. It's a real good song, I just don't think it compares favorably to "White Cluster" or "Serenity Painted Death" (for instance).

TakinTheMusicBack said:
I get shivers every time I hear that and nothing on Still Life can do that (not yet anyway, I've only had it a couple of months!). Still, it's all just opinions isn't it?!

Yes, they're all just opinions. And whether your new to Opeth or have been here since the beginning, your opinion carries no more or less weight. However, listen to "Still Life" a few more times, with headphones and lyric sheet in hand, and see what if your opinion changes at all.

To answer General Zod - you may well be right and I'll appreciate the older stuff more than BWP after I've heard it a lot more. Thats why I dont vote on those "favourite song" polls - I dont know the songs weel enough to vote, it wouldnt be fair (even on Deliverance which I've had since it came out I still dont think I know it completely because Opeth songs are just so complex). I'm a traditional metal fan though which is probably why I appreciate a song like BWP so much - it's just straight to the point with a huge metal riff.
Fair enough.

For what it's worth, "Blackwater Park" has grown on me steadily since it's release. I have never really cared much for "Deliverance". However, I expect that I will revisit it from time to time, and that someday it will hook into me.