Why we shouldn't vote for G.W.

Guitarmaster said:
Another disillusioned Leftist. And the guy who brought up how democratic liberals can come up with nothing better than "redneck Bush" or calling him stupid has a good point. These are the same people who titled Bush another "Adolf Hitler". Give me a fucking break. These are also people that claim to support our troops yet turn around and condemn their actions and purposes in Iraq. These are people who beckon for "Peace & Love" in their own little hallucinating dream world but refuse to see evil tyrants such as Hussein as a major threat. People that are similar to those when the Vietnam soldiers returned, where they cried out those ridiculous names and literally spat on them. They to this day still owe the Vietnam vets an apology for their acts of utter stupidity. And so does John Kerry. Four months was all he served in 'nam, and I could care less what he did as I could care less what Bush did. This is now.
Tell me ... what exactly is wrong with freeing millions of civilians from an idiotic tyrant that for mere shits and giggles, would at a soccer half time show pick a peasant from the crowd and slit their throat? Just for entertainment of course.

Ranging from maniacal street protests to vile anti-America rantings, Leftists are still protesting a war which even they know has ridded the world of a barbaric regime which oppressed, tortured and murdered its own people thousands of times since his reign. Women and children have lived the most horrific of lives - which included rape rooms and other torture chambers. Yet we still hear "Save Iraq's babies". This war is finally saving those babies. Oh but Bush is only going for the oil right? While saving millions ... including our asses. We've disturbed a hornet's nest? Friend, it's been disturbed by our patriotic principles and support for Israel and many other reasons since the beginning. Have there been any attacks since 9/11? No.
Man, I wonder what the terrorists would think if a pussyass like Kerry got into office and claimed that the war on terror would be "sensitive"? :Smug: Our borders would be nice and safe then wouldn't they? Sure. Islamic radicals hate us, and they hate us immensely for supporting Israel ... yes, that is one of the main reasons whether dumbfucks like liberals believe it or not.

Consider the recent track record of the Left when it comes to important social issues, their rejection of action that will save lives and make the world a better place. Doesn't surprise me really. Murdering 3,000 American civilians isn't terrorism if the murderers are Muslims, it's merely the Freedom Fighter's lact act of heroism against an opressor, right?

Yeah ... wake the fuck up.

And you complain about the pricing of beer? :lol:

Guitarmaster, TMann was right , your post was to intelligently put for tards like Stevie to understand.

looking at stevies avitar I think the almighty told him to complain about the price of beer........................... whats that father?......... yes stevies an fucking retard

Welcome to the board dude...............
I appreciate the welcome guys. I didn't even intend on posting on this thread, but the stupidity of liberals has a way with provoking my intent on making them look like idiots. Which is always easy ... and a pleasure.
It's also nice to see some guys on the metal forums that actually have some good political sense about them.

And as far as supporters of John Kerry ... why? The best thing he's ever done were a few good things about the enviroment. This is good actually, any half way intelligent human being can appreciate that one works to ensure a healthy enviroment. Yet he never talks about it now does he? He's constantly wrapped up in trying to impress us with his military record and his ridiculous "Reporting for duty ..." bullshit that exhibits him in his highest gayness.
A typical comeback from a liberal right now would be: "Kerry is better than Bush because of his military service."

Is he now? Well in that case this would make Bush better than Clinton. And Bush Sr. better than Clinton. And hell Reagan also - at least he tried to get into WWI.

Want to come back with anything else? Let me guess ... Bush and his "so evil and wicked" administration do nothing but lie, right? Bush and his big lie! I have yet to hear it. Well, unless you count when Bush claims that "We needed to go to war in Iraq" a lie. Bush made a valiant decision that was at that time, the best available. Democratic liberals may not like the decision but it sure beats out any other option. Such as doing nothing.
Yet the Bush Administration are nothing more than "nazi fascists" right? And you like all other liberals with this irrational hate wish him to die, no?
For anyone that thinks Bush a modern day nazi let me make this clear. "Nazi fascists" tended to shoot people who called them nazi fascists. Isn't it absolutely wonderful to live in a country where people can spout off nonsense without having any idea of what they are saying, but nobody comes and guns your family down and tortures you for mouthing off?
Spoiled motherfuckers.

Oh and that is correct ... Kerry never answers any questions. He normally just gets enraged because you questioned his patriotism! Oh how dare us! As a friend has pointed out to me once: Kerry was also critical of Cheney obtaining five draft deferments. Kerry obtained four and the fifth (where he asked to study in Paris) was rejected. Kerry then applied to join the naval reserve in lieu of being drafted into the army. Why is this missing from Kerry's history? Nothing to be ashamed of is it?
John Kerry is the epitome of a great patriot isn't he? Give the terrorists what they want and think that it's just all over. Drop our guard down so another 3,000 can die and remain idle. Oh he might would spout off some verbal warning. Big deal. True american, eh? Like George Washington and co. who gave up everything they had in order to fight the redcoat fucks. They fucked with us ... we didn't take it. "Give me liberty or give me death" ... oh hold on ... I brought up the wrong guy. Kerry doesn't have the balls to do anything if we're attacked. Nor does he live by those words. Some american.
Kerry and his type are the idiots who also wanted to reason with the likes of Adolf Hitler. :Smug:

My how the democrats have fallen.

Kerry does nothing more than whine. The right doesn't hate all the left, but lately the crap they spew is something that we won't put up with anymore. Pro-abortion, gay marriage, anti-religion, tax the rich, socialize everything from healthcare to welfare. It's too much, and any politician who keeps this trend going is not worthy of consideration, Republican or Democrat.

Go do some studying, Steven, hone your knowledge in politics ...ah better yet, just go drink your eurobeer.

Again, nice to be here.

P.S. T man, Have you gotten any hate due to your avatar and name? Michael Moore fans might think you as a gun toting, trigger happy, Rambo wannabe american. ;)
Guitarmaster said:
P.S. T man, Have you gotten any hate due to your avatar and name? Michael Moore fans might think you as a gun toting, trigger happy, Rambo wannabe american. ;)
I belive that he is a gun toting, trigger happy, Rambo wannabe american..........

Cool isnt it?....................................:loco:
Well if I'm to be honest....As much as I would like to be perceived as a
"gun toting, trigger happy, Rambo wannabe american".....I'm actually more of a responsible, not everyday carrying, not always in agreement w/what the NRA says, Constitution respecting, Freedom Loving American!!
Who served in the U.S. Army. Whose MOS was 11B and served in Desert Storm.

But if anyone wants to view me as the other....I'm ALL for it!! (Thanks O.S.)

A while back before you got here we had a big America -vs- europe thing
going and alot of those pussies had no argument..(Since at one time or another America had bailed them out of various shit...Or fought their wars for them, the french clowns on this board don't like that)
So they chose to harass and bash the 2nd Amendment with all kinds of
shit mostly "michael moore is right & I loved bowling for columbine"

You know kind of like the liberals....No facts just opinion guaranteed to start shit. That was about the only time....Anyway dude

old school headbanger said:
I belive that he is a gun toting, trigger happy, Rambo wannabe american..........

Cool isnt it?....................................:loco:
What do you conservatives here think about Collin Powell for president? He seems like the most honest of the bunch. Rice doesen´t seem to have a clue about anything and good ol´Dubbajay only talks about how a bearded man who lives on a cloud will bless America. Powell is probably one of the most respected (also over here in Europe) becauise he speaks his mind and dares to have different opinions then the president. He doesn´t seem to be too much of a yes-man.
He's definetly one of the smartest leaders in America, and his opinions really must be respected......But he ruled himself out of the presidency and that's
the reason I don't speak about him.

Gotta ask, whose "Dubbajay"????

Arg_Hamster said:
What do you conservatives here think about Collin Powell for president? He seems like the most honest of the bunch. Rice doesen´t seem to have a clue about anything and good ol´Dubbajay only talks about how a bearded man who lives on a cloud will bless America. Powell is probably one of the most respected (also over here in Europe) becauise he speaks his mind and dares to have different opinions then the president. He doesn´t seem to be too much of a yes-man.
Then help me out here hamsterman...
His name is George Walker Bush......Right??

How the fuck do you get "Dubbajay" from that??? I definetly don't get it
"Dubbajay" wouldn't that be J.J.???

MHFYRD, was that just a guess on your part??? Or does this really mean something and I've just never heard of it?

Arg_Hamster said:
Funny you mention the draft, when you know that the Allthing will never sanction something like the draft in your country! It's a shame about the Icelandic beer controversy a few years back- hopefully it's been
straightened out.
Actually I am an American living in Iceland, "protecting" them from "russian agression" or so they say. Iceland could never foot an army, our air force has more people than this whole country.

What was the Icelandic beer controversey?

If you say "W" with a southern drawl it sounds a bit like "dubbajay", guess that´s where it comes from... maybe it´s just over here we call him that?
With an American southern drawl, W is pronounced Dubya instead of double you. Or are you refering to euro hicks.
T_man357 said:
Then help me out here hamsterman...
His name is George Walker Bush......Right??

How the fuck do you get "Dubbajay" from that??? I definetly don't get it
"Dubbajay" wouldn't that be J.J.???

MHFYRD, was that just a guess on your part??? Or does this really mean something and I've just never heard of it?

Just a guess... I personally have never heard him called that either
did you call me a farmer?

Arg_Hamster said:
Then I must be refering to the american drawl, if a Swedich hick says "W" it would be pronounced "dubbäl-weee"... jävla bönder...
Vote Independant.

Michael Badnarik. Both the major parties are massively corrupt from special interest.

I think that our political system is a bit skewered with the choices. Two guys in our whole country for president. What the fuck is that all about?

Independants are good because they have interests in issues from both of the major parties, yet fall into neither one of the major ones.

More people should think for themselves and stop being brainwashed by all this crazy media coverage (both sides).

Just my couple of pennies...