words only mike knows

So we now know that 'shadows glid the archways' means 'shadows Guidance Laser Illumination Deviced the archways'. Makes perfect sense.

Maybe he meant gild?

Like how gold is used to decorate, maybe he meant that with the shadows.
Cos you're using the wrong one. Oxford English Dictionary.

Is there an electronic version? It's just peculiar that no dictionary I've come across—physical or electronic—seems to recognize the word. Is it because it's archaic?
RE, I guess it's a little bit more common if you still read his work.

Is there an electronic version? It's just peculiar that no dictionary I've come across—physical or electronic—seems to recognize the word. Is it because it's archaic?

Yeh there is, www.oed.com. Direct link is: http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry...d&queryword=perplexion&first=1&max_to_show=10

but I don't know if you can get access to that. I only have it cz of uni.

Copied from the site:

perplexion, n

The state or condition of being perplexed, perplexity; an instance of this.

?c1500 Mary Magdalene (Digby) 1986, I woll ponysch swych personnes with perplyxcyon. 1585 T. WASHINGTON tr. N. de Nicolay Nauigations Turkie IV. xi. 123 [His life] was mixed with a great manner of perplections. 1611 T. HEYWOOD Golden Age III. i, in Wks. (1874) III. 40 Amazement, warre, the threatning Oracle, All muster strange perplexions 'bout my braine. 1731 E. THOMAS Pylades & Corinna sig. K5, Whence Rays diverge, and how they strike, In lines direct, or Lines oblique, And many a difficile Perplexion. 1858 D. L. BOUCICAULT London Assurance 51 Perplexion of the intellects, caused by imbibing spirituous liquors. 1978 Washington Post (Nexis) 12 Sept. B1 When told that it was none of the above, they would screw up their face into something approaching perplexion. 1998 ‘BEZ’ Freaky Dancin' (2000) 118 I'm distracted from this perplexion on spyin two enormous elevated screens lookin across the dance floor.

Garm is fat
The Morningrise booklet saying 'glid' is obviously an error. The official site says 'gild', and it makes much more sense. The booklet has about a hundred typos, it also says 'Mikael Åkerfeldr' and 'Anders Nordm'.
Well, let's face it, every string of letters is a word if it can be used in a sentence I guess. Then there are commonly used words, and words which nobody uses, and those that lie somewhere in between.