And those who complains about those who complains about shitthreaders aren't better. ANYWAY, back to the topic, this is the last fucking reply about shitthreaders and etc. BACK TO THE TOPIC. NOW.
so far every single example given has been a real word that is not weirdly uncommon. I think every attempt at this is going to make you guys sound dumber and dumber
Serenity Painted Death: "I returned from a hibernal dream" - Hibernal is made up, but to goddamn good effect.
The Drapery Falls: "No criterias demanded here" or "No criteria is demanded here" - hard to tell, but "criterias" would be made up because criteria is already a plural form of the word criterion. "Criteria is" is much more likely, though.
What do you mean? Hibernal is word.
This has been discussed already. "Criteria is" doesn't make sense either because it would have to be "criteria are," considering that criteriaas you pointed outis the plural form of criterion.
This explains it. I always thought it just cannot be that "hessian peel" refers to the german province Hessen. could have solved the riddle long ago for me ... Then again, there is still a connection: "The name 'hessian' is attributed to the use of the fabric, initially, as part of the uniform of soldiers from the German state of Hessen." (Wikipedia).And this is also what hessian is ->
'Gild' is, but not 'glid'. To gild means to coat with gold.