World Cup 2010

I fail to understand how Terry got so owned by a goal kick. He misjudged the ball by fucking 10 metres or so! Overall that was a pure ownage performance by Germany. The second half counter attack was plain beautiful.

Podolski - Ozil - Muller = truly spectacular. Did you guys notice Muller's runs in both the goals? Podolski's finish was amazing as well.

People say 2-2 would've completely changed the face of the game, but the fact remains that Germany would've beaten them comprehensively, regardless. England's attack was never convincing.

Si se puede
Disgusting, disgraceful, shocking performance by England.

You dont deserve to wear the shirt you useless pricks, and Capello + staff, get the fuck out.

man, it's not about Capello nor the staff, it's about the players. Look at your league, you don't have brilliant strikers like Klose for example ! most of the big teams (Arsenal, Man.United, Chelsea, Liverpool and so on) don't have GOOD ENGLISH key role players. Same goes for goal keepers too. That's why you failed, and I think this world cup was fair for the English, poor performance = leave the tournament.
What the Christ? On paper England has one of the best teams in the World. The way these players play in the Premier League highlight the fact they are World Class. Plus Klose for Bayern is average, he obviously just gives a shit about putting the shirt on and playing for his country. And isnt Rooney supposed to be one of if not the best striker in the World for his league?........Yes.

And Key role players
Chelsea - Terry, Lampard, A. Cole
Man United - Rooney, Ferdinand
Liverpool - Gerrard, Carragher

Arsenal are all foreigners, but all those players are 'key role' Captains, etc.

So yes the players obviously have alot of blame for their failure but the coach is the one who sets up the formations, plays, defence, attack, etc and Fabio made some shocking calls, Heskey for example. Staff are useless.

Learn the facts before talking the crap.
Capello fucked up.....need goals? Put on
Don't start Joe Cole in any game?
Putting Gerrard on the left where he has less influence??
Scared to take Rooney off when he's obviously still injured and playing shit??
a few other squad selection questions too.....should have brought Adam Johnson...should have left Green behind....should have given the giant a bit more game time....etc etc.
^ Placing Gerrard alongside Lampard is a well documented disaster. If he hadn't done so already, Capello must've pleaded with Scholes to join the team. Capello shouldn't have forced out a traditional 4 - 4 - 2 . The additional striker up front was a waste of a man, though Defoe owns Crouch and Heskey. Also, a striker is only as good as the plays that his midfielders create for him.
He did...but Scholes wouldn't do a backflip like Carragher did.

Definately should have played 4-5-1 with Gerrard playing behind either Rooney or Defoe....or Bent (he should have been on the plane too).

You know what they say about hindsight though.
@Ananth: Agree about Scholes man. He's missed badly. His dependable quality is irreplacable.

Carragher's quality, and Bent would have been superb.

Gerrard's had a poor season. His motivation or focus wasn't an issue.. his form was. It's the same whats happening to Torres in Spain. Lampard never.. ever.. struck as a good player to me. Even in Chelsea. He's limited as fuck. He even needs the movement to be precisely suited to his likings. And at some level or the other, they're all looking for their club's playing style on the pitch from their fellows. Someone said 'rich and spoiled'. Yes they are. And nothing fits Terry and Lampard more aptly. Maybe I'm taking a piss at Chelsea boys but yeah deal with it. They're the shittest ones.

Yeah Rooney still looks injured.. wasn't notivated enough.

Also, Heskey ONLY shined with Michael Owen with him in Eng and Liverpool. After that I've only seen him being rather average. Crouch is only good enough for the subs bench. That Beatie was good, but nobody gave him enough a chance. Joe Cole should have started games.

Adding Barry there was a good plan, but that formula works only if you have a big tall holding striker (WITH QUALITY, NOT A GIRLY FIRST NAME) upfront. I would put Carrick in the middle there for some distribution rather than Barry. Barry isn't a natural distributer. He's naturally inclined to move forward too, which makes sure he isn't there when counterattacks build.

Germany were spot on with their movement to be fair to them.

Ferdinand was BADLY missed.

I also think that the Green own goal kind of set things off on the wrong foot for england in the very first game. They just became whinier and whinier and drowned in media pressure.
The winners of both matches were obvious in the first place. Germany easily beat England, since England barely qualified for the final 16, what did you expect to beat Germany? Also, Argentina were obviously far more superior than Mexico.

Today's winners are also obvious: Holland and Brazil.
Though Brazil may still eventually win, I'd like to believe that Bielsa has a trick up his sleeve. Chile play exciting football and I'd like to see them win. Also because Dunga's getting annoying.

@ Cryptal - I completely agree with the Ferdinand and Terry bit. How the hell could Terry get owned so badly by a goal kick?!? Total dumbass.

Loew has gone ahead with his successful kids and it has paid off tremendously. Capello must've done the same. Though I hate the fact that he is ridiculously compared to Giggs, Johnson should've been picked to play on the left flank. It would've been a risk worth taking, at the cost of a striker. I mean, what can/could Heskey do? He is the third choice striker with his club.

Carrick should've played instead of Lampard.
What the Christ? On paper England has one of the best teams in the World. The way these players play in the Premier League highlight the fact they are World Class. Plus Klose for Bayern is average, he obviously just gives a shit about putting the shirt on and playing for his country. And isnt Rooney supposed to be one of if not the best striker in the World for his league?........Yes.

And Key role players
Chelsea - Terry, Lampard, A. Cole
Man United - Rooney, Ferdinand
Liverpool - Gerrard, Carragher

Arsenal are all foreigners, but all those players are 'key role' Captains, etc.

So yes the players obviously have alot of blame for their failure but the coach is the one who sets up the formations, plays, defence, attack, etc and Fabio made some shocking calls, Heskey for example. Staff are useless.

Learn the facts before talking the crap.

easy on yourself, i was just giving my opinion, but i understand your frustration so i won't take u too seriously mate ;)
Those players are WELL SERVED IN THEIR TEAMS, that's why they have awesome performances in the league. which is not the case with the national team ;)
yeah, he's unlucky, like Ronaldo. The sad thing is that in the past few years there are no quality players like in the 90s who can make a difference in important matches with both, their teams with their nations.