Worst metal band name ever

Carcassian said:
I've heard the music mate. I still think the band name is wank.

As a matter of fact, I moderately like D666, but the name is like the kind that you dream up in your imaginary band when you're 14...

I'm surprised you only "moderately" like them, to be honest.
Décadent said:
I'm surprised you only "moderately" like them, to be honest.

Don't get me wrong mate, it's good, but it doesn't DO that much for me. Fine in a "yeah, this is ok" moderate head-nod kinda way.

Maybe I need to hear some more. *shrugs*
Between Buried And Me. Any other band name would be better, for example: "I Am Dead But Not Exactly".
cookiecutter said:
I would like to add to the list the bands that replace c with k. Examples:


Yeah Creator would be so much better for a metal band.

:zombie: And they should have called that band Lead Zeppelin and those other guys should have called themselves Deaf Leopard.
Susperia said:
C's are too graceful of a letter.

K's are hard and sharp and grIm.
Yes. And substituting c's with k's also makes it more Germanic looking, which is something NS bands value. This is why bands like Arghoslent call themselves "Militant and radikal death metal" and spell America "Amerika."