WTF are you listening to?


It has been too many years since I've spun all 4+ hours of this thing. So good, so bad, so hilarious, and so serious. Some of my favoUrite liner notes to any thing ever.

It has been too many years since I've spun all 4+ hours of this thing. So good, so bad, so hilarious, and so serious. Some of my favoUrite liner notes to any thing ever.

Yeah- thats whats up, my man.

I was just recently listening to the "Absent Lovers" 2CD live release. It was their last tour with the original 80's lineup. FUCKING INCREDIBLE performances, and apparently they were't touched up in any way. Truly one of the greatest bands to span several decades.

I love Fear Factory. I love Burton C. Bell's vocals, so naturally I thought I'd give AotW a go since it features Bell doing his clean vocals over ambient/soft industrial type beats and samples.

I was wrong. While not bad per se, this is just so fucking boring. It's the same damn song over and over. This is something you'd expect to hear playing over the speakers at Macy's whilst all those fat chicks pick out size 2's.

At least it was $1.29 used.

Find of the haul. I had heard good things about this band. So when I saw it used for a few bucks, I figured sure. Think Alice in Chains gone doom metal. Released in 1993, probably too heavy for the Nirvana idiots. Not heavy enough for those still clinging to a dying death metal scene. This thing is heavy, but it's not really metal. You'll just have to hear the damn thing.
Based on that description alone, they're my new favoUrite band that I've yet to hear.

EDIT: This is fucking rad even at really low volume. I will crank it tomorrow. Thanks!

I bought One Last Laugh in a Place of Dying blind. I've read it's a bit different. It was released after one of the members died from brain cancer
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