You have not lived...

yeah i'm gonna see them on the 28th with Nikki and crew.

@Heartless you didn't miss much not getting backstage. I know the guy who's been their live drummer for a tour or two, he said they're basically a bunch of assholes, that "you gotta know them". And they party like they're Motley Crue, especially with the bitches.

He's playing Wacken with them cause Hellhammer is gonna be busy then. I saw the setlist and it's good, spans most of their albums. 10 or 11 songs, I forget.

I wanna meet Devildriver for sure.
yeah i'm gonna see them on the 28th with Nikki and crew.

@Heartless you didn't miss much not getting backstage. I know the guy who's been their live drummer for a tour or two, he said they're basically a bunch of assholes, that "you gotta know them". And they party like they're Motley Crue, especially with the bitches.

He's playing Wacken with them cause Hellhammer is gonna be busy then. I saw the setlist and it's good, spans most of their albums. 10 or 11 songs, I forget.

I wanna meet Devildriver for sure.

Yeh I already knew HellHammer and Shagrath were stuck up, and basically I was told the same thing, that they just wanted girls backstage and no one else really. Aw well, fuck them. I only wanted to get a pic with ICS Vortex :(

But i like them, not so much the new album, but their older stuff is kewl.
The new album grows on you, and Vortex actually sings longer than 10 seconds on some songs, so I'm happy! I really like this album!

They will blow you away.. I was VERY impressed, only thing is the set is kinda short (ONLY 12 SONGS) and it goes by SO fast. Opening bands are awesome as well, although the Unearth vocalist had like NO sound coming from his mic for the first 2-3 songs so it was kinda shitty. But then it got better.
This is what bites about being in the middle of the US.. Denver doesn't get to see half the cool bands everywhere else does. All the really good bands tend to stay towards the east and west coasts...
I jumped on getting a ticket just because it's a good bill. I don't really dislike anyone on it so it's a good deal especially for $23.

Someone I know said basically "they're Cradle, except they actually sound good. and they don't have "demons" or Shagrath on stilts." haha
They are miles better that Cradle of Shit.

Really CoF may aswell be metalcore to me, a load of faggot wannabe goths are what most CoF fans are. Not to mention the music is poor. Whereas Dimmu are amazing.
Cradle are amazing.... were amazing. There was a time when I woulda punched a baby in the fce to see them live, but after the last CD, I was so disappointed.... I didn't even go to their sow when they played here. Fucking pathetic. I admit Dani is a faggot, and most CoF fans are goths and candy kids and other losers who don't know what being metal is about, which is fine... but musically, they have some KILLER tracks... And moonX, I travel at least 3 hours to see any show, sometimes more, so it's not like they come near me either. Real fans go to shows, whenever possible. The furthest I will travel for a show, is 8-9 hours (Detroit, CT, etc) if the show is REALLY good.

But myeh... if you can go to this tour, then I recommend it.