You laugh, you lose

Sex for the first time is always rather meh anyway.

I'm sorry you weren't a seasoned professional like I was when I lost it

Then again, I've watched thousands of people grinding the hell out of each other since I was thirteen. I kind of went in there expecting to have to do situps and handstands while in the middle of that special someone.
I'm sorry you weren't a seasoned professional like I was when I lost it

Then again, I've watched thousands of people grinding the hell out of each other since I was thirteen. I kind of went in there expecting to have to do situps and handstands while in the middle of that special someone.

I was 15 when I lost it, I was kinda dating this girl one year older. Sex after the first time got alot better... and I didn't need to do situps or handstands.
I was 15 also,it's kind've expected here in Australia that you lose your virginity before you leave high school but I can understand those choosing to wait until they are older.
It's all that rape you have in your convict-ridden history.

And if you're not hitting her body with the force of a thousand suns, then you're doing it wrong.
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Needs more smugness:
Just be careful you don't uhh... how do I put this... sometimes fireworks, when they are ready to take off into the sky, need to be at a certain angle so one doesn't poke one's eye out... or impregnates one's mouth.
I was also 15 when I had my first time. She was 17 and was one of those christian girl by night, demon at night kinnda girls.My first time included brownholing. interesting sums it up me thinks

not kidding btw
My ex from high school and I lost our virginity together. I remember when I put my dick in her she winced because of the pain, and that only made me get harder. That was the moment I realized how fucked up the human mind is.
I lost my virginity to a rather obese French chick, in her friends' living room (they were off bowling and their toddler was sleeping in the next room). We tore down the curtains amidst the trashing around.
Obese chicks seem to work as some kind of a tool for losing virginity but it's just because they welcome every opportunity to have sex so their minds free themselves from the everhaunting feel of ugly sludginess.

(Un)fortunately I'm pretty much allergic to fat girls so this wasn't my path.
Luckily, in Europe, thin girls actually exist among common people, so I'm sure that skinny bitches with low self esteem can be found with great ease. Here in a America, women under 200 lbs. are so rare that the few that exist have flocks of horny dudes vying for their attention following them around.
Anyone else notice how Evil? completely disappeared after months of posting about how desperate he was to get with some chick, resurfacing once to say that he'd gotten with her?

Just comes to mind..
Luckily, in Europe, thin girls actually exist among common people, so I'm sure that skinny bitches with low self esteem can be found with great ease. Here in a America, women under 200 lbs. are so rare that the few that exist have flocks of horny dudes vying for their attention following them around.

Aren't you exaggerating just a bit here? I know the fat american stereotype, but I saw some photos from a friend in New York and a lot of common people on the street there look thin enough.
Aren't you exaggerating just a bit here? I know the fat american stereotype, but I saw some photos from a friend in New York and a lot of common people on the street there look thin enough.

Those were tourists from Europe.

But honestly, I have never once seen a person as fat as that in real life. Remove 10 kg and I might have seen three or four.