You laugh, you lose

I know an American girl who's normal sized. She's not skinny though and there are plenty of genuinely skinny English and Eastern European girls here.
The majority of the girls I know, while not exactly attractive, certainly aren't obese or overweight. And besides, who wants a girl with no meat on the bones? Some fat is deliciously attractive if in the right spots.
My ex from high school and I lost our virginity together. I remember when I put my dick in her she winced because of the pain, and that only made me get harder. That was the moment I realized how fucked up the human mind is.

For some reason this post made me laugh incredibly hard. I think I'm pretty fucked up :erk:

Maybe I exaggerated a lot, but the U.S. obesity rate is 2% - 7% (depending on the state) higher than the U.K., which is considered Europe's unhealthiest country. That being said, you're not going to find many women who are devoid of flab with toned bodies in America. And let me stress that I do not have a problem with a reasonable amount of fat; it's what gives a woman an hour-glass figure. The fact of the matter is, most guys (American or otherwise) are much less forgiving than me when it comes to a woman's body. Not many guys would pursue a lady of this magnitude:


(I would)
Yuck. She's got nice legs and face, but the whole midriff section is really bad. The way that hideous bathing suit is accentuating her gunt is stuff of nightmares.
It's all that rape you have in your convict-ridden history.

Not true.

Many of the Convicts were sent to Australia for quite odd crimes. For example, Irish catholics were transported for simply looking suspicious.

By today's standards, all of the Convicts sent to Australia had only committed trivial crimes. The serious crimes, such as rape, murder or impersonating an Egyptian, were punished with the death penality.

Also convicts were sent here for only a short period of time, along with them you had marines, scientists, explorers, etc.

Settlers, farmers, etc. moved in soon afterwards. Actual descendants of the first convicts are a very small % of our population.

The serpent's tongue is now taking over :( :bah:

All the ex colonies are becoming less British culture wise. I think it means were going to have to dump all the British exceptionalism and get more involved with Europe, even if it pisses people off. Then we can have a proper stance on Turkey's ascension (tell them NO!, maybe even getting Ian Paisley to say it).
Yuck. She's got nice legs and face, but the whole midriff section is really bad. The way that hideous bathing suit is accentuating her gunt is stuff of nightmares.
The U.S. was never very British at all, if you want to count us.

We're totally British. We continued to slaughter the fuck out of the natives even after cutting ties with Britain. And I ask you, what could be more British than that?
Actually you had an Anglo-Saxon ruling elite for a long time and shit like Apple Pie and your fucking language came from here. You really are quite British you just don't like to think of yourselves that way.

Oh and Ananth, name me an ex colony that's getting more British.