You laugh, you lose

In Alberta, they have a class in high school called C.A.L.M. (Career and Life Management). When I took it, I took in the last possible semester of high school (spring semester of grade 12) and I was paired with a girl in the 10th grade who I swear had more sexual experience than a woman twice her age. We had to fill out an assignment dealing with family planning and she told me that our family planning would consist of her being on the pill and me pulling out if I wanted to. Or we could just do anal.
Health class is usually taken junior year, which is the most backwards shit ever. By your junior year you've pretty much made the decision of whether or not you are going to partake in sexual activities, drugs, alcohol etc. I probably could have benefited from having it as a Freshman, but I had to figure it out myself, which doesn't always turn out well for everyone.
We used to have a class in high school called citizenship. I remember there being an hour long lesson on the methods that lesbians use to engage in sex. The teacher, a fairly conservative old guy, looked about as awkward and embarrassed as it's possible to look.
I love cold weather, and I love living here in Canada... not gonna lie though I'd rather live in Nova Scotia than Ontario though... I've been like 5 or 6 times to NS and it's absolutely stunning/beautiful. Such a nice place.
I love hot and humid weather and hate the cold. Anything too far below 32 and I feel like certain appendages are going to fall off. Plus, my hands are always freezing in the winter so it makes it challenging to warm up on guitar.
I don't mind warm weather, but if the hot weather left and never returned, I'd be happy. Sitting in ball soup fucking sucks tbh.
I like the nice mix in Maine. Cold for the winters, and just warm enough for the summer. It really only gets extremely hot for a few days (in the 90s)
Are you becoming a citizen or just staying for extended periods?
The plan now is to become a Permanent Resident. The Canadian government makes this easy because I graduated from a Canadian university. After that, who knows. I think it will depend on if I'm getting married/see a future for myself in Canada, and if I can retain my US citizenship.

Hint: the joke is on the Western world. Just awful, and to think this was acceptable not too long ago. :erk:!
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