You laugh, you lose

You find it "weird" so its hard for you to accept because it defies everything that you know from how you were raised and what Western norms are.

It is understandable to find it hard to "get"
I guess you could explain it as such, yeah. I don't "get" it. But even if it was explained a hundred times I probably still wouldn't "get" it as it its in direct conflict with what I believe about gender identity.

I don't believe my beliefs are incorrect though. Just as I said that others can believe what they wish, and I will not belittle them for it, I will continue to hold to mine, and I would expect to not have my belief referred to as "archaic" or anything of the sort.
The difference is that evolution is based on solid scientific facts, whereas gender identity is based on a combination of personal feelings and cultural factors; in the latter case, no one view is more valid or invalid than another.
So being genderfluid means that you can't open a jar and it makes you feel like a woman so you accept it, go to your brother and you say "mate, refer to me as a hon for a minute, and open this jar for me". And he goes "yes hon". But when there's hockey on TV later you go "DUDE I'm a guy again I want to watch the game with you bro" and BAM, you're suddenly a true fucking male. Maybe someone will offer you beer if you out of the fucking blue claim to be a woman again. Work it out to your advantage you fucking sleazy cunt.
Gender identity is usually "concrete" in children as early as ages 4-6, while yes it is partly a social construct that doesn't make it any less real.

What a person identifies as is far more valid than you or anyone else saying "I don't believe it" because it doesn't fit your worldview.

Anyways, wrong thread for this.
I remember that I associated more with my mom than my dad in early childhood, and I especially liked the idea of skirts because it meant not having to wear pants. One day I went downstairs into the computer room to watch my dad play the original Warcraft or something, while wearing only a long sweater and undies, and he commented that I needed a longer pair of shorts. I told him that it was a skirt. He yelled at me and told me to never pretend to be a girl and that he'd beat my ass if I didn't change my clothes. I wouldn't be the well-adjusted cishetero male I am today without his guidance.
Gender identity is usually "concrete" in children as early as ages 4-6, while yes it is partly a social construct that doesn't make it any less real.

What a person identifies as is far more valid than you or anyone else saying "I don't believe it" because it doesn't fit your worldview.

Anyways, wrong thread for this.

Saying "I don't believe it" is perfectly valid.

As I said; I don't belittle people, or say "its wrong of you to identify as genderfluid". So its not like I am being imposing.

I do think its sorta ridiculous and I don't understand it, but if someone wants to identify as such, I have no problems with it. People can do what they want.

but I've explained my rationale so yeah. No use polluting the thread further.
It isn't even a "wants" to identify as thing - it is simply an "identifies as" thing

Man and woman are not the only genders, and the sooner than the world as a whole comes to acknowledge and accept that gender is not binary in nature it can move beyond giving a fuck about it altogether (in the sense of it just being something no one really cares about someones gender as important in how they treat someone, not necessarily ignoring its existence)

Sure, you should never misgender someone purposefully, but I think it is really on the person to decide on their pronoun of choice and express their desire for others to us it

Cisgendered men and women are the majority, so it makes sense to refer to things mostly as him/her and he/she - unless someone expresses a desire for you to refer to them otherwise

:erk: wow, what the fuck has this world come to?

So being genderfluid means that you can't open a jar and it makes you feel like a woman so you accept it, go to your brother and you say "mate, refer to me as a hon for a minute, and open this jar for me". And he goes "yes hon". But when there's hockey on TV later you go "DUDE I'm a guy again I want to watch the game with you bro" and BAM, you're suddenly a true fucking male. Maybe someone will offer you beer if you out of the fucking blue claim to be a woman again. Work it out to your advantage you fucking sleazy cunt.

:lol::lol: good one, Sinead.
:erk: wow, what the fuck has this world come to?

A world where people are slowly becoming aware of the fact that people exist who do not fit into traditional Western gender roles and that there is absolutely no reason to not accept them, and that we should being treating them as the legitimate persons they are.
A world where people are slowly becoming aware of the fact that people exist who do not fit into traditional Western gender roles and that there is absolutely no reason to not accept them, and that we should being treating them as the legitimate persons they are.

I treat everyone as legitimate persons. I just think a person "changing" their gender depending on the situation is silly and unnecessary.
Wow what an ignorant and narrow minded thing of you to say. You can't just lump everyone together into the same groups like that. Some people can actually be both at the same time believe it or not there mister.