Glorious Imperator
Yeah, the situation with radical feminism has gotten pretty much out of hand. Everything is racism now. There is a group called Afrosvenskarnas Riksförbund (The National Association of African Swedes) that busies itself with important issues such as finding racism in the way candies and ice-cream are shaped. The are subsidized by the state, by the way.
Radical feminists on Twitter go bananas on a daily basis. When about a hundred of them start foaming at the mouth, the evening press is fond of referring to the event as a "Twitter storm". No kind of criticism towards minorities is allowed, according to these people. The only one you can bash, make fun of, ridicule and spread vile generalizations about is the white hetero cis-man.
Radical feminists on Twitter go bananas on a daily basis. When about a hundred of them start foaming at the mouth, the evening press is fond of referring to the event as a "Twitter storm". No kind of criticism towards minorities is allowed, according to these people. The only one you can bash, make fun of, ridicule and spread vile generalizations about is the white hetero cis-man.