You laugh, you lose

Yeah, the situation with radical feminism has gotten pretty much out of hand. Everything is racism now. There is a group called Afrosvenskarnas Riksförbund (The National Association of African Swedes) that busies itself with important issues such as finding racism in the way candies and ice-cream are shaped. The are subsidized by the state, by the way.

Radical feminists on Twitter go bananas on a daily basis. When about a hundred of them start foaming at the mouth, the evening press is fond of referring to the event as a "Twitter storm". No kind of criticism towards minorities is allowed, according to these people. The only one you can bash, make fun of, ridicule and spread vile generalizations about is the white hetero cis-man.
I don't think ever said honom lol. That's some archaic shit. Ge han en bärs is how I would say it. Maybe I've been speaking too much slang.
I don't think ever said honom lol. That's some archaic shit. Ge han en bärs is how I would say it. Maybe I've been speaking too much slang.

Archaic? In speech perhaps but definitely not in text. You can't write "han" in any kind of halway formal situation, it's appropriate for texting with your buddy at best. You say "dom" but you still write "de/dem" don't you?
Gender neutral pronoun isn't a bad idea in and of itself; if you're talking about one person but you don't know who the person is you can say "hen" instead of "they" or "he or she". I don't use it out of principle though because the people who invented it did it for the reason that "not everyone wants to be identified as a man or a woman". :lol:

It isn't even a "wants" to identify as thing - it is simply an "identifies as" thing

Man and woman are not the only genders, and the sooner than the world as a whole comes to acknowledge and accept that gender is not binary in nature it can move beyond giving a fuck about it altogether (in the sense of it just being something no one really cares about someones gender as important in how they treat someone, not necessarily ignoring its existence)

That said I really wish that the social justice movement would focus more on issues that are more important than pronoun usage to avoid offending people (not that it doesn't work on important issues, but I get sick of this kind of shit too)

Sure, you should never misgender someone purposefully, but I think it is really on the person to decide on their pronoun of choice and express their desire for others to us it

Cisgendered men and women are the majority, so it makes sense to refer to things mostly as him/her and he/she - unless someone expresses a desire for you to refer to them otherwise
Honestly I find the concept of a person finding themselves to be both nonmale and nonfemale to be ridiculous.

I mean, people are free to do what they wish, and I'm obviously not gonna make fun of them for it, but no amount of politically correct posturing is gonna change my belief that there are two, and only two genders: male and female.
Honestly I find the concept of a person finding themselves to be both nonmale and nonfemale to be ridiculous.

I mean, people are free to do what they wish, and I'm obviously not gonna make fun of them for it, but no amount of politically correct posturing is gonna change my belief that there are two, and only two genders: male and female.

It isn't even a politically correct thing - it is a "Western society needs to do some catching up" thing.

You can feel free to think there are only two SEXES and you'd be mostly correct (intersex does exist, but rarely.)

However, gender is not so binary. It is insane and absolutly goddamn archaic to assume that YOUR worldview applies to everyone with regards to how ANYONE ELSE identifies.

Many Native Americans hold that there are more than the binary two, the Bugis people of Indonesia recognize at least five, the hijra in India, etc.

Sooo...what does that mean they consider themselves to be?:lol:

Agender, genderfluid, etc.
I'm not trying to impose my worldview on anyone. As I said, people are free to believe what they wish. And I won't belittle anyone or tell them their view is incorrect.

BUT - MY worldview is that there are two sexes and two genders: Male and female. They are free to identify themselves as they wish... and I'm not gonna tell them it's wrong, cause that's rude.

But I see people, and in my head, they are either male or female. If that is "archaic", so be it, but I don't believe in "agender" or "genderfluid" (I'm assuming "genderfluid" is when a person's identifying gender changes on a whim?).
I know that. But I never once claimed that my view was the "correct" one either, right? Or rather, more correct than a conflicting belief.

As I said, I'm not gonna claim that someone identifying as "genderfluid" is wrong. But in the privacy of my own head I am always going to regard it as sorta ridiculous.

It is hard to explain, as it seems I am being contradictory, but I can't find the words to adequately and concisely explain how I feel on the matter.