You laugh, you lose

Does the notion of animal cruelty even apply to spiders?? Is there any compelling evidence that they feel pain? Is there any compelling evidence that they have a sense of self? How exactly can one be cruel to a spider? I don't get it.
I don't get the hate on hippies. Most of them are generally kind people who would never dare to do anything worse than call Fred Phelps a "jerk."

I'm not fussed with what I'm eating so long as it tastes okay. I know pig rectums and poop off the floor go in hot dogs, but if I eat it and it doesn't make me sick, okay. I also want to make a mission to eat dog meat in China and Korea.
I don't get the hate on hippies. Most of them are generally kind people who would never dare to do anything worse than call Fred Phelps a "jerk."

Most of the hippies I've come across are actually utter cunts and hypocrites underneath their thin veneer of "eco-friendly niceness". They generally use passive-aggressiveness to assert their holier-than-thou attitudes while they smoke Big Tobacco and drive clapped-out shit cars that spew more pollution into the atmosphere than your average coal refinery.
I'd like to chime in a say that I doubt anyone actually thinks animal tortureres are worse that pedophiles and those that torture children.
And that chick looks like she got a permanent spinal injury in that .gif.

I think they're about the same as pedophiles or child torturers. It's the mindset of "I can exert my power over you in violent and perverted ways, so I will just because I can." They're probably pretty alike when you get down to it, besides.