You laugh, you lose

It would be much more fun with Multiple Tarantulas in the blender(5-6) and little of anything else. I once had a friend who put a bunch of live mice and a chipmunk in a blender along with some ice. When offered a taste of his rodent slushy, i strongly declined.

Your friend is a fucking loser. I hope you used the past tense ("I had a friend...") because someone killed him. People who torture animals like that are such fucking untermensch trash.

@Krow Why kill tarantulas period? They're big and don't attack people. Put them outside where they will eat bugs and live to be furry and happy.
The mice he used were probably pests he caught. Death by blender is probably just as immediate as a regular mousetrap.

Suggesting his friend got killed just for blending rodents is pretty illogical imo.
Why kill tarantulas? Because they're fucking huge hairy spiders KILLITWITHFIRE.
As for the mice...I agree with Val's point that the mice would have been killed anyways, but taking pleasure in killing them is a little warped.
@Krow Why kill tarantulas period? They're big and don't attack people. Put them outside where they will eat bugs and live to be furry and happy.

Fuck you and the giant hairy spider you rode in on.

Edit: I think plenty of people get just a bit of pleasure out of killing an animal... or more commonly, crushing an insect.
The mice he used were probably pests he caught. Death by blender is probably just as immediate as a regular mousetrap.

Suggesting his friend got killed just for blending rodents is pretty illogical imo.

And the chipmunk? If they were alive when he put them in the blender he could have put them elsewhere or beheaded them or something. Putting them in a blender and offering the shake to a friend suggests that you're a fucking loser psychopath.

I don't get any pleasure out of crushing bugs unless they are mosquitoes. I used to squish ants when I saw them outside but now if I do that I feel guilty.
And some people are disgusted by killing animals for pleasure. Who gives a fuck if they're too stupid to feel pain. It shows a deep psychiatiric problem with the killer.
BTW, I eat meat. Animals deserve to be eaten by other animals (i.e. humans), it's natural. Killing animals for amusement is just as fucked up as fucking animals, IMO.
It's more fucked up than fucking animals because at least dogs and horses in animal pr0n get to orgasm.

I'm not sure which is worse - child molesters or people who kill animals for pleasure. I may be biased because I strongly prefer animals over children.
Why the fuck can everyone else get to brutally maim and kill animals for food, but I can't do the same to a human?


Think about what you said.

I'm serious. I'm not talking about the impact on the victim, though one could argue that it's worse for the animals who get killed because they are dead whereas child victims of pedophiles are not dead. I'm talking about which perp is more fucked up in the head.

They're all fucked up untermensch though.
Someone that kills animals is less fucked up if there's something stopping him/her from moving on to killing other people.

I know the concept of worth is arbitrary, but if you honestly value the life of a non-sentient animal over a human, that's pretty fucked up in itself imo.