You laugh, you lose

Yeah honestly i do feel that way...but i'm sure if I saw someone get fucked up or whatever it would fuck me up.I am a dog lover and see only loyalty and kindness in dogs,the qualities that are pretty much non existent in most people,most but not all.
I'm with Krampus more or less. Killing animals the brutal way just for fun is totally fucked up. If you get rid of a mosquito because it's annoying then okay - it's a way of life and evolution (yes, actually), but killing spider for pleasure just to see it squashed in a fucking mixer is fucked up and I'd even like to see it punishable. As my mo in lo says: "Life isn't measured in centimeters". Or inches in your case. Fuck animal torturers.
Again, an animal killed in a blender suffers a near instanteous death.
Maybe it's a little twisted, but it's not torturing the animal.
I think it's pretty fucking stupid everyone gets all torn up about "animal cruelty" and ignores the global child sex slave industry. The world fails massively at prioritizing.
Most people won't think about child sex slavery because it's "too hard" to think about, whereas visualizing some hillbilly kicking the family dog is simpler. Also just because child sex slavery is "worse" than animal cruelty (why are you using quotes? trying to be edgy?) doesn't mean animal cruelty isn't also terrible...
If you guys knew that some random person (or dog for that matter) has this disorder that he's unable to feel pain, would you fucking put him in blender? Stop fucking defending it FFS. And the fact that I didn't mention child slavery in my post doesn't matter that I think it's better.
I used quotes because there is a huge difference between filleting a living animal for shits and giggles, and meat slaughterhouses, but depending on the activist, it can all get grouped in together.

I am not saying animal cruelty isn't bad, I am talking about priorities....

Edit: Regarding the stupid spider/blender thing that inspired this topic, has anyone with a comment on this ever used RAID on an bug? You put that creature through way more torture than a blender.
Fucking hell if I don't cackle a little bit when I'm spraying mosquitoes. I light them on fire and shit.

Yeah it's all cruelty, but like child sex slavery most of us aren't OK with thinking long and hard about how terrible factory farm life is for pigs. I still eat pork even though I've seen open air trucks full of pigs falling all over each other on highways.
Pork in it's many forms (excluding things like chitlins) generally smells and tastes outstanding. But once you look deeper into what you are eating it's pretty disgusting.
Edit: Regarding the stupid spider/blender thing that inspired this topic, has anyone with a comment on this ever used RAID on an bug? You put that creature through way more torture than a blender.

Yeah, I usually don't like to use Raid, because watching anything's CNS degrade and freeze right before my eyes is disturbing and sad.
I'm with Krampus more or less. Killing animals the brutal way just for fun is totally fucked up. If you get rid of a mosquito because it's annoying then okay - it's a way of life and evolution (yes, actually), but killing spider for pleasure just to see it squashed in a fucking mixer is fucked up and I'd even like to see it punishable. As my mo in lo says: "Life isn't measured in centimeters". Or inches in your case. Fuck animal torturers.

death...the brutal way
You guys are a bunch of queers.
