Younger Opeth listeners?

I am only 20...and shit, I thought i was a "youngin'" too.
How about this? I am proud of myself for being a mature 20 year old who doesn't listen to 50 Cent or Eminem...or any of the MTV BULLSHIT!...

If everyone is so intelligent, why the hell are you wasting soo much time bickering over stupid shit?...

And either way...Age does not matter at all..Get over it! We are all unique individuals who are going to do what e ver the hell we want...

Word to your MAMA!
i first heard opeth when i was 14, and i'm now 15.. and theyre so fuckin wicked... everyone can bang their heads to opeth, but you have to have a level of maturity to understand the music fully
I met some 13-year-old kids online that are quite immature, but seem to have a good ear for metal. They listen to Opeth, My Dying Bride, Novembre, CoB, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Powerman 5000, Celtic Frost, Slayer, In Flames, Iced Earth, Edge of Sanity, Nevermore, Sinergy, etc...

I think that he is immature because he acts like he is and he doesn't respect anything soft. Even Led Zepplin is too soft for him. Go figure... He'll realize that there is a lot of non-metal music is good.

Also, I am 18 and I have liked Opeth since i was 16. My little brother, now 13, likes Opeth, but he would never admit it (he doesn't want to give into metal :/). I catch him listening to Opeth all the time, but denies his likings.
I changed the music for a computer game my (8 year old) brother and I (15) play, to Opeth. He now likes Opeth.

Neither age, intelligence or maturity matter. I'm pretty certain that if I put Emperor on the game's soundtrack, after a few months he'd love it.
It seems that the majority of Opeth fans are between the age of 15-21. I wonder if people will continue listening to them into their latter life... I know that I will continue listening to the metal while working as a white-collar worker in the usa.