Your choice of new Opeth?


Neon Black Assassin
Jan 28, 2002
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Probably been touched on, but for these new Cd's coming out, I'm curious as to what your views are on it. Would you rather have all mellow or all distorted vox if you HAD to pick one!

I'm really torn. I love both vox from Mikael, but I'm really up in the air. If I had a gun to my head, I'd pick the distorted vox, but I'd like to hear both, so we're lucky for this.

Any opinions?
Originally posted by PratlPoet
If I had a gun to my head, I'd pick the distorted vox, but I'd like to hear both, so we're lucky for this.

If I had a gun to my head forcing me to choose between the two I'd say "pull the damn trigger, bitch!"

There's no way I could choose, Mikael has the best death vocals ever and his clean vocals are way up there too.
If I had a gun to my head forcing me to choose between the two I'd say "pull the damn trigger, bitch!"
You'd rather choose none than one??????? :eek: :eek:

This question was done recently yeh, clean for me now, dunno what i said back then but at the moment laid-back opeth sounds nice, already got 5 albums of heavy stuff.
You can carry a melody with clean vox... it is a lot tougher with death vox and clean vox can be more diverse... And i choose clean, even though mikael has the nicest growl i have ever heard. I just love the vocal lines in songs like To Bid you farewell.... "we walk into the night... Am i to bid you farewell?" sing that in your head right now and tell me you wouldn't pick clean vox :) The answer was simple to me, even though i love death vox as well.
Originally posted by CladInDarkness
thats tough. who knows. but yeah speaking of new-er opeth i was listening to Dirge For November and i was thinking. that song is totally underrated, its an excellent song, agree or disagree?

Total agreement. Dirge is amazing!
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
You can carry a melody with clean vox... it is a lot tougher with death vox and clean vox can be more diverse... And i choose clean, even though mikael has the nicest growl i have ever heard. I just love the vocal lines in songs like To Bid you farewell.... "we walk into the night... Am i to bid you farewell?" sing that in your head right now and tell me you wouldn't pick clean vox :) The answer was simple to me, even though i love death vox as well.

Yes, Mikael has the "sweetest" growl out there, man! It's amazing when you look at crap out ther (I won't mention names so as not to offend anyone), and you hear Mikael and just know that is the shit!

As for "To Bid You Farewell," that's my favorite part of that song, man! Utterly awe-inspiring! As far as I'm concerned, the two bands out there that really do it for me are Opeth and Nevermore. Imagine my mental orgasm when they toured together!
Originally posted by CladInDarkness
thats tough. who knows. but yeah speaking of new-er opeth i was listening to Dirge For November and i was thinking. that song is totally underrated, its an excellent song, agree or disagree?

AGREE!!! AWesome song, but ihad to cut out the middle of it, i hate the middle. I cut out where it starts to get heavy and then cut back in right when it slows down.
i'm not sure if u guys have heard but the two cds won't just be all clean or all growled...the first'll be normal opeth (clean and growled, heavy and mellow etc.).....the second will be all clean kiinda mellow stuff
I dunno..... This is really difficult...

At first I thought I'd say the growls, for sure.
It was no doubt about it....
But then I thought; wouldn't it be interesting
to see what Opeth could do without growls?
See what atmosphere they bring about?
I know I love the heavy Opethsongs, but....
I really want to know how Opeth would be like
with clean vox only, and no heavy songs... :eek:)
WOW, this is really unlike me...!

I'm not thinking "go pop", but more like
Empyrium etc. but damn, I'd miss the growling....
Shoot me! Hehe... :eek:)
...The beauty of Opeth is the transition between acoustic and electric, clean and growled... I really don't think that it'll work. I have faith in the guys, but i just can't see how it can possibly be the same.

As metalman said, it would seem 'empty'.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot

AGREE!!! AWesome song, but ihad to cut out the middle of it, i hate the middle. I cut out where it starts to get heavy and then cut back in right when it slows down.

I just love it. Sometimes I've listened to the whole song something like four times in a row just for the first seven minutes and that part you mentioned is what I love the most. I can't describe the feeling I get from that song, but it's something I don't get from ANY OTHER SONG.

And the to the point. That's a tough question, let me tell you. I have thought it for a while now and have come to the conclusion that clean vocals would be my choice. It'd be something totally different from Opeth and I just love everything new.
Well, you're all lucky because you don't have to choose. CD 1 will have both like he's said many times before.. at least that's what I gather by saying it will be "quintessential Opeth" and not to worry.

If I had to choose between the two extremes, I'd say..

Can I answer that later?

Growls, they have to be there but then again the clean have to be there too so fuck you!