Your favorite albums of 2013

Power trip - manifest decimation
Hatred surge - human overdose
Mammoth grinder - underworlds
Warmaster - pyramid of the necropolis
Cleric - gratum inferno
Took me some time to actually think of my top 10 list but it would probably look like:
10. Magic Circle - s/t
9. Carcass - Surgical Steel
8. Gorguts - Colored Sands
7. Skeletonwitch - Serpents Unleashed
6. Summoning - Old Morning Dawn (first I thought it was good but not worth my top 10. Lately it has grown on me.)
5. Inquisition - Obscure Versers For the Multiverse
4. Toxic Holocaust - Chemistry of Consciousness
3. Hatchet - Dawn of the End
2. Suffocation - Pinnacle of Bedlam
1. Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
What's with your Caladan Brood hate Fageralus14? Or are you just exaggerating my masturbation obsession with the band? If the latter, that's cool, I dig it.

I don't hate it. It's probably not even the worst Summoning album. But it's kinda redundant and thus kinda irrelevant. Get off my nuts, bro, I'm on your side.
Listening to some of the links in this thread. That Zemial track was extraordinary. Need to check that album out.

On the other hand, the Caladan Brood song is pretty fucking boring. It's like a poorly produced Summoning. At least they threw a guitar solo in to break up the monotony.

People, post your favorite songs of 2013!
I already did faggot.

But holy fuck, I've been listening to Inquisition's newest, and while a bit underwhelming (but still great) upon initial listens, upon further, deeper analysis, I've grown extremely fond of it. It's the logical continuation of the concept of Ominous Doctrines. Fucking excellent.
None of you gents checked out the new Procession apparently, the only album (off the top of my head) that's actually worth mentioning for 2013.
I already did faggot.

That song fucking sucked elf dick.

But holy fuck, I've been listening to Inquisition's newest, and while a bit underwhelming (but still great) upon initial listens, upon further, deeper analysis, I've grown extremely fond of it. It's the logical continuation of the concept of Ominous Doctrines. Fucking excellent.

In that case it's another middle of the road black metal album with crappy, robotic vocals?
Did I miss something over the past few months, or did Lateralus become a totally different person? I remember him having some of the best taste on this board, and I definitely feel like it's a completely different person posting. Killing yourself is weaksauce, dawg. I almost did it a few months ago; overrated.

Anyway, I have to sort of identify with that sentiment of a "ehh, pretty good" 2013 metal album not really meaning much. The Summoning album was pretty good, but I'd rather just listen to their first three any day. New Inquisition definitely shows potential for greatness. Otherwise, the new Gorguts, Grave Miasma, Deeds of Flesh, Argus, and that Bolzer album are probably all I'll be investing much time in for a while.

Edit: New Portal too.
Well the last few months have consisted of

1) suicidal shit that results in a) emo shit b) putting up walls of sarcasm and lulz as defense mechanisms.

2) a near paradigm shift in listening habits - I was gradually increasing my classical/electronic listenings and then after some nonsense - BAM - classical 90% of the time. I still like the same metal guys; I just have less time for it and am allowed to be more discerning as a result.

Here's the thing with #2. When you listen to other genres of music and you're only hearing a few metal records a week at best, the classics of the '80s and '90s just aren't gonna get who needs this 2013 "drivel"?

Hope that explains it, Peoria crew.