Your favorite Symphony X subtle details


Jun 22, 2003
So, since there hasn't been much cooking on this board recently I was trying to come up with a thread that would be somewhat original and of interest. And here's what I came up with:

There is so much intricacy to Symphony X songs, and I know a lot of us are the type of people who spend a lot of time and thought on paying attention to even the finest details of these works. So what are your favorite subtle details in Symphony X songs? I'm talking the real small details, beyond 'I like the bridge in __' or even 'I like the vocal melody over ___'. I think it will be interesting to see what other people have picked up on that you already appreciate, and also maybe to be made aware of some details you may not have ever caught. Here's an example:

I love how in Evolution the double chorus towards the end of the song is transposed just a half step up from the previous choruses, but then the second iteration is transposed back to the original key. It provides a less obvious sense of resolve for the direction of the song than a larger key change which might sound cliche and obvious. Also, it's a bit more obvious, but the little rhythmic variation in the second chorus of the double chorus's guitar line (with the gallop instead of the pedal) also provides some nice variety and gives it almost a march feel).

That's just the first one I thought of.
Have at it gents!
I lke the part in the end of Rediscovery that is 3/4 version of On The Breath Of Poseidon's 7/8 one. It kind of sums it all up, the power and majesty of this album. Once I was familiar with Symphony X playing a lot of stuff in 7/8, that 3/4 sounded very strange. :lol:

On The Breath Of Poseidon 2:05
Rediscovery Part 2 10:48
Haha, wow... the people on this forum really do know how to ruin good threads...
Anyway, I like the flute noises in Evolution at 1:46 (very quiet)

Oh, in Fallen, it does another thing like what you speak of... first verse is in a different key than the second verse, I believe. It's like the second verse has... Fallen... to a different key, lol.
i get shivers throughout my body during mjr's solo in Accolade II, at around 6:32 when he hits that harmonic (?...not a guitar player at all) and then at 6:36 when the solo leads into Allen coming back with "on the field with sword and shield" where mjr ends the solo at 6:38-6:39. that whole part with mjr ending his solo and allen coming back in just blows me away. i can replay that over and over and never get bored with it. my girlfriend hates me for it (apparently, i've ruined the song for her, haha).
I like in Awakenings, the little dissonant and ominous piano part, just before the song turns heavy.

I really like that part as well.

Also Russell's vocal harmony is The Accolade with the Organ...

The Acoustic guitar just after the really soft piano part in Through The Looking Glass, which is really subtle, and carries on under the 'And there she stood. In Mystery. Searching for the final blah blah... I always listen out for it...
At the very end of Rediscovery 2, when that last chord fades out, and you just hear a standup bass play the recurring melody and it fades out. Perfect.
what do you mean theres nothing going on at the moment on this board??? theres.. umm.. the always popular pics thread and off-topic thread.. and theres those threads about the south park symphony x'ers.. and the nu-metal one.. its all quality stuff!!
At the very end of Rediscovery 2, when that last chord fades out, and you just hear a standup bass play the recurring melody and it fades out. Perfect.

Ya know, I'm glad you mentioned that, I think that is my favorite part of V as a whole. I once had a 20 minute discussion with my girlfriend (who probably wasn't as excited to be involved as I was) about how those are the most important notes on the whole album because they say so much about the story. How it doesn't have a perfect happy ending, that there is something still haunting in the background, sort of an ominous foreshadowing. Nice to hear someone else felt strongly about that part.
the melody of Romeo's melody at the beginning of Inferno is the same as the one of the piano in Accolade II!
that's quite cool, especially how the mood and the arrangement changes making it quite subtle
the odssey...

"I miss the rolling hills of Ithaca" *SIGH* genious also..
"Revenge BURNS in my heart" When allen says burns its almost as if his voice is on fire and burning...


"an angels voice cries out to me" *GUITAR WAIL* someone crying

symphony x does a whole bunch of symbolizm like this, and not to be a thread shitter but this thread has been done ;)!

"looking up to the heavens..." his pitch goes very high as if he himself is heavenly...he is godly we know that lol!