Your Favorite Viking/Folk Metal Band

Equilibrium is my current favorite, Sagas is one of the best albums I've ever heard.
Turisas and Tyr. I've got to hear Tyr's latest album...

Can anyone here please tell me wtf 'pirate metal' is? I had never heard the term until yesterday.

Bands that sing about or have pirate themes like Running wild and Alestorm

and Tyr's latest is once again a beauty, faster than Land and it comes close to Eric the red and Ragnarok
Baranduin. Really cool Finnish folk/power metal:

I can't seem to get into the newer Amorphis stuff. I love their first two albums, but after Tales from the Thousand Lakes my interest wanes.
Askival. Godly Scottish black metal.

Godly indeed. Eternity is amazing.

I can't seem to get into the newer Amorphis stuff. I love their first two albums, but after Tales from the Thousand Lakes my interest wanes.

A huge dichotomy exists between fans of old Amorphis and those who enjoy their whole discography. I, personally, love newer Amorphis, but lots of people hate it.

Best bump ever.

Talk to me about Black Lotus, Einherjar. I think the guitar tones are too muddy and let the keyboard dominate a bit too much, but I love the clean vocals.

I'll talk to you babe. :cool:

The clean vocals are amazing, one of my favorite aspects of Black Lotus. The guitar tones are very muddy, you're right; but I actually am really attracted to that sound and I'm not sure why. I think mostly it has to with the atmosphere; because the guitar tones are so amorphous (no pun intended) and let the keys dominate, it creates a more enveloping sound. Furthermore, I don't think it has anything to do with quality or tone of the amps and everything to do with technique. There are times on Light Subsides when it doesn't even sound as though the guitars are distorted; the playing is just very garbled and sloppy, but I don't think it's bad. It gives a very raw impression without cranking the gain all the way up. Harvest of Seasons (by far the better record) definitely features distorted guitars, but the same technique. I just love the mood of the whole album; it's just so dark and majestic.

And like you said, those clean vocals are awesome. They remind me slightly of Garm's vocals on Borknagar's The Olden Domain, but not quite as operatic as Garm gets sometimes.
Been listening to some new folk metal I've never checked out before...Fejd, XIV Dark Centuries, Gernotshagen, and Forefather. All have been pretty good so far.
Bumping this bitch again.

Here's the tracklist for a recent "Viking/Folk metal mix" I made for headbanging to in my car. Feel free to comment (in all honesty, I don't care what you think; I just needed some reason to bump this thread):

Victory or Valhalla: a Viking/Pagan Folk Mix
Disc 1:
1. "Wizard" (Ereb Altor)
2. "...And the Horns Called for War" (Ancient Rites)
3. "Forged in the Fires of Alba" (Askival)
4. "Om e Danse Bekhette" (Myrkgrav)
5. "Herezja" (Hellveto)
6. "Ognem I Mechom" (Pagan Reign)
7. "Masoch" (Fjoergyn)
8. "Ragnarok III: Ragnarok (Gjallarhorn)
9. "Death and Resurrection of a Northern Son" (Bathory)
10. "793 (Slaget Om Lindisfarne)" (Enslaved)

Disc 2:
1. "Heathen Assault" (Doomsword)
2. "Wolf & Gyrfalcon" (Tverd)
3. "Ring of Gold" (Bathory)
4. "De to Spellemenn" (Myrkgrav)
5. "Svartesmeden Og Lundamyrstrollet" (Windir)
6. "Unohduksen Lapsi" (Moonsorrow)
7. "The Vanir Tribe" (Black Messiah)
8. "The Winterway" (Borknagar)
9. "Sade" (Fjoergyn)
10. "Kaos Aterkomst" (Thyrfing)
11. "Victory or Valhalla (Last Man Standing)" (Ancient Rites)

So there, feel free to bitch or approve. Eli, you never counter-responded to my response on Black Lotus. Maybe there's nothing to really say; we might just disagree.
I still need to get an Enslaved album, same with Ereb Altor really.

Shall I just be a cow, ignore your posts and say the only viking/folk metal bands I really listen to are Ensiferum, Arkona, Bathory and Skyclad, if the fact that they are folk metal is enough to throw them in that.
I'm over Ensiferum for the most part. I thought their most recent album was really lackluster. They still have a few songs that I enjoy, but I'm just bored with them now. From Afar had some decent tunes (and from what I've heard I should probably give it another chance), but for the most part I was bored.

EDIT: if you're looking into getting an Enslaved album you should look into Eld and Blodhemn. Those are their really viking-influenced albums. Their later stuff is good too, but more in the progressive vein.
i really like Ensiferum's first two, but after that, yeah, boring for the most part. Dragonheads is cool, though.

YOur mix needs Graveland
YOur mix needs Graveland

This is very true, I agree. I do not own a single Graveland album, and that is an error on my part. And of course, there's no way to fit all the songs I'd like on this mix. I wanted it to fit onto two discs. "One Road to Asa Bay" was originally on there but was booted in favor of "Death and Resurrection..." and "Ring of Gold" (which honestly, I would rather listen to).

EDIT: I also realize that most people probably would forego Fjoergyn, but I just love their album Sade et Masoch, which is why two tracks got chosen.
From what I've heard of Manegarm I wasn't particularly impressed, but maybe I haven't heard the right songs. What would you recommend?

I know this wasn't directed towards me, but I'll respond anyway :loco:
Personally, I really like Havets Vargar and Dodsfard, so of course I would say start with those. Vargstenen is good if you want something folkier than those, or Nordstjärnans Tidsålder if you want something more black metal-y. I'm not a huge fan of Vredens Tid or their latest, but of course that's just IMO.