Your Favorite Viking/Folk Metal Band

The album that I've heard is their latest. Other than the opening track it just seemed somewhat dull, like Thyrfing's latest. I'll take a browse through some of their older records.
I am a big fan of Vintersorg's older stuff. Recently I have been listening to a lot of Voluspaa, with the new album 'asa" which is pretty damn awesome.
I haven't even heard of Drautran. Looks like I have a new group to check out. :cool:

I recently discovered these guys. Awesome celtic-inspired folk/black metal... from France.

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I realize they've been around a while, but there was a huge gap between their releases. Their first record came out in '00, and then they didn't release another until this year. Apparently they went on hiatus or something. Anyway, the new album is great!

Heidevolk is very cool epic folk metal. And I used to really like Kromlek a long time ago, but I haven't spun Strange Rumors... Distant Tremors in a long time; I need to go give it a good listen. Is their debut any good?
Enslaved is my favorite band that would fit in this category. Falkenbach, Windir, & later Bergthron are also high on my list.

Also Primordial, Nokturnal Mortum, & Kroda if they fit here.

Heidevolk is very cool epic folk metal. And I used to really like Kromlek a long time ago, but I haven't spun Strange Rumors... Distant Tremors in a long time; I need to go give it a good listen. Is their debut any good?

The debut is quite good, yes. Not as polished as Strange Rumours... but still exciting enough to warrent a purchase.

Another great band (currently being heavily advertised) is Svartsot

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Kampfar (their s/t EP and Mellom Skogkledde Aaser are incredible, the rest of their discography is pagan black)
Enslaved, specially Blodhemn
Old Vintersorg
Old Borknagar
Ulver's Bergtatt (since Kveldssanger is not metal...)
Nomans Land
Maybe Solefald's Icelandic Odyssey (pt I and II) can fit.
Ensiferum debut

Some pagan/black or folk influenced black metal bands, could be Taake, Old Satyricon, Windir, Graveland, Nokturnal Mortum, etx

btw; hi everyone.