Your favourite movie?

I could be cool with a new recordning og the lord of the rings since peter jackson's movie's doesn't follow the book.
COBSteele02 said:
I like two towers the best. I like the intro with Gandalf fighting the Balrog, the music is amazing during that part.

I love that scene too, the music that is playing is called "Foundations of Stone" by Howard Shore of course. To pick one movie as my favourite is very difficult, The Fellowship has it's great scenery and a shining Ian Holm as Bilbo, The Two Towers has the great battle and the delightful Grima Wormtongue as played by Brad Dourif and The Return has the great emotional load. I truly can't decide.
One of the main themes of Lord of the Rings is development of character. The four hobbits came from a type of people that did not partake much in the world's event and did not effect its course either. When they began their journey it is not apparent of their importance to the quest. This was strengthened by their physical size and the fact that they couldn't ride horses. However, as the story nears the end, their role in the journey is now seen as one of the most important, probably the most important. However, Peter Jackson leaves out one of the most significant parts of LoTR, the recapturing of Hobbiton from Saruman. In the novel, the four hobbits enter their hometown riding (if I remember correctly) horses. They take command of the rebellion. They essentially become generals and would lead the other hobbits defeat of Saruman, much like Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf.

I always felt that the film adaptation was incomplete. Peter Jackson did add that scene atop Minas Tirith where all the Men and Elves knelt for the Hobbits(a beautiful scene by the way), which did help for the completion of the hobbits' transformation from a fun loving and careless people to an essential force in the fight against Mordor.
I believe Jackson made a good decision leaving that part out. I know a lot of people who complain about the very long ending of the movie, they believe the movie should've end with the scene "my friends, you bow to no one". Of course these people didn't read the novels.

IMO Jackson should've done another 120 min movie of the journey back home.
Rafaga said:
"my friends, you bow to no one".
One of the worst lines ever. I hate the adapted dialogue. "Let's hunt orc" instead of "Forth the three hunters" or whatever it was at the end of FotR was similarly bad, almost Schwarzenegger in style.

My opinion of the films was that they were dumbed down in order to make money. It would have made still made money if they had left things in like Tom Bombadil, and not brought in elves at Helm's Deep, and not made Gandalf and Saruman have a breakdancing fight, or changed Legolas' role and character soley to sell action figures (shield surfing anyone?). I cringed so many times watching such classic literature mauled Hollywood style on the big screen.

There were some nice bits, but they were far outweighed by poor decisions regarding plot, poor dialogue and poor casting in some places and also, horrible misuse of special effects like when Galadriel turns into a blue demon from outer space.
kazahana said:
My opinion of the films was that they were dumbed down in order to make money. It would have made still made money if they had left things in like Tom Bombadil, and not brought in elves at Helm's Deep, and not made Gandalf and Saruman have a breakdancing fight, or changed Legolas' role and character soley to sell action figures (shield surfing anyone?). I cringed so many times watching such classic literature mauled Hollywood style on the big screen.

It would have been nice to keep to the original story and expanded the series into 4 or more films. It would have made much more money for the studio and people would have recieved LoTR in its best form. They probably opted out because they would have not had the funds to prolong such a development if all were filmed at the same time. It looks like the studio underestimated its popularity.
kazahana said:
My opinion of the films was that they were dumbed down in order to make money...I cringed so many times watching such classic literature mauled Hollywood style on the big screen.

Not only is this why I didn't care for LotR, I don't like how people obsess over the series. I'm not saying that the books suck, but Tolkien wrote them for his grandkids. For fun. To entertain them. The hype surrounding them makes no sense to me.