Your home: How do you live? Feel free to post some pics too

Draznog said:
^ what the fuck is with that dye job OMG glad you changed it.
What dye job? That's light hitting my hair dude! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just look at it again:

Southern Belle in Hell said:
Nice light fixtures...:)
Thanks! :Spin:

perfecterror said:
i like this style, its minimal and the lighting creates a good mood:)
Thank you! :grin:
That was before I actually moved my stuff in, nowadays there's a lot more stuff on the desk, I moved the heater somewhere else and there's also a huge beanbag chair between the bed and the lamp in the corner.

I have a few framed photos that I took hanged on the wall above my bed and on the other side of the room (not visible in these shots) and I'm going to hang my guitars on the wall as well.