noble savage
12 white castle burgers. I only managed to eat 8 but not finishing the other 4 means I won't want to curl up into a ball and lay on the floor screaming in agony. Plus I'll have some for lunch. It's a win win situation.
Haha, you're an endomorph then Sadly, not as cool sounding.
i got andomeda- extension of the wish
so far i like it alot. some of you may make fun of it's disjointed progyness. but i like it.
and yeah ectomorph.... what is this? ghostbusters? hahahahaha
i work out regularly (lift and run) and i always eat healthy. i'm a pretty fit guy. i'm 155lbs at 5'6"... when you said 140 at 6'1" i almost died....were you ok? that sounds super thin. your progress so far is amazing! congratulations! what's life as a personal trainer gonna be like? it sounds cool.