Tarot - Crows Fly Black (Digipak w/bonus track)
What did you think of htis one? I know it's been out for a while but if i remember correctly you're a pretty big tarot fan right?
Just ordered another set of Schaller Strap locks for one of my guitars.
I haven't found much that Dunlop products are good for... or at least "better" at.
Death - The Sound Of Perseverance
This is my first foray into Death, and I love it. I love the vocals.
Just FYI, the vast majority of the Death catalogue has different vocals (from album to album) even thoguh they're all handled by chuck. The only other releases that you'll find that have similar vocals are the live recordings from the SoP tour. Symbolic and everything before have lower death vocals, but more often than not they are still great.
Hey Swabs, is that Alive in Athens DVD any good? I've heard otherwise.