Also, FYI Ron Paul is done. Hope for America my ass
Insane, huh? You want to know insane, you're going to find out real soon after the next election.
I hope everyone of you who are supporting nobody, or supporting any one of the 3 that are left are ready for some serious economic trouble. If you think that we're not already in a recession that is going to get much worse, you're dreaming. Any 1 of those 3 will continue the spending Bush has taken to a new level, and America will be bankrupt in a matter of years. I hope none of you are expecting Social Security, Universal Health Care, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. Because it won't be there for any of you. But why should you care, right? Hell, you're only paying for it. Just like you're paying to bomb other countries and rebuild them for reasons you don't even understand. And all of these wars that are going to "keep us safe" won't mean a damned thing when the military has no money left to function. Our government is bleeding us dry people! How much longer, and how much more debt is it going to take before you all realize this? $9 TRILLION isn't enough? $30,000 for every man, woman, & child in Ameica isn't enough? Not to mention how much more per person they're going to need for Social Security and all of the other socialist programs we've been promised. We're talking about nearly $250,000 per person in the next 5 years. Do you have this money? Where's it going to come from? Do you all not understand what that debt means? I guess the economy is going to have to completely collapse before you wake up, huh? That's great. Well, we won't have to wait too long, because it'll be here very soon.
I just hope that you're all well invested in Gold or some other commodity that will retain its value in a depression, because a spring cleaning is coming like none of you have ever seen. And the saddest part is that it could have been prevented, but the masses (many of you included) actually trust our government. With all of the garbage they throw at us, all of the wasted money that is charged to you, all of the controls they use to restrict our freedoms as protected by the Constitution, and you're here calling Ron Paul's ideas insane? A man who has a very simple philosophy, that being the same as that of our most revered Presidents? Freedom and liberty. That's it. Something every American loves to believe we have, but we most certainly don't.
Anyway, I'm done with this debate. You can all laugh and make fun of Ron Paul, call him insane, scary, whatever. All I know is that when this country falls apart I'll be pointing and laughing at you, because it'll be your own unwillingness to accept the truth that will have caused it. That truth being that our government doesn't give a rats ass about any of us. Everything they do shows this clearly, and yet most people never get off their ass to do something about it. Ron Paul knows what's coming, and he was doing everything he could to make sure the American people knew before it was too late. And he was completely ignored most of the way. One day you'll all understand why, and it'll be way too late. Brush up on your history of the Soviet Union folks, because you'll be living in that same situation in the not too distant future. And like I said, when you're all complaining, I'll be laughing at you.