Your last purchase??

Mostly Autumn - Glass Shadows (limited edition)


and just a bit more expensive my new car!!!

whats prog ?..........:danceboy:

I have a shit load coming

Crack The Sky: (all new)
Animal Notes/Safety in Numbers - (2 lps on one disc, I have Safety but this is only way to get A N)
White Music - remaster bonus,bla bla bla, dont remember likeing this one much, but WTF Im an origional Crack Head
Alive and Kickin Ass - from '78 concerts
Saftey in Numbers remaster different vocalist, bet I dont like it as much

Journey; (all new, all pre Perry)
1st self titled
2nd Look Into The Future
3rd Next

Iced Earth - The Dark Saga (used)
only one I got a deal on so far, the rest the people are way out of line on the shipping, nearly as much as new and for that I'll go new. There were a few others but I blew the bidding
forgot two

Megadeth Countdown, my cassette has been bad for over a year now and I still need a regular dose of this one
Gamalon Aerial View