Your last purchase??

My last purchase was:

King Diamond-Give Me Your Soul...Please. I don't know why it took me so long to get this, but I love it.
Umm.. What the hell is it?:blush:

Here's a hint :p

Sure! :p Nah it's a Wacom graphics tablet. Used for drawing in a CAD program like Photoshop rather than drawing on paper.
What's the best place on Earth? The Aztec Ruins? Tokyo? Sweden? Nope, Half Price Books! One finally opened up about 1/3 of a mile away from my house yesterday. My first purchases today where (Only $15.00 total!):






How is this Wolfe book, Ken? I wanted to get the 'Book of the new Sun', but they didn't have it. I keep hearing that he has written some excellent books!
You're not wrong...

Yeah, I saw that Greg Howe book, definately gonna get that, I really wanna learn Jump Start especially, but I'm sure there'd be heaps on there to get into!

I'm hoping to get it soon as well. His solos are just incredible. He has so much groove and awesome note choices, it's unreal!