Your last purchase??

I just ordered:

Garsed/Willis/Chambers- Uncle Moe's Space Ranch
Gordian Knot- Emergent
Tribal Tech- Reality Check
Greg Howe- Sound Proof
Hellborg/Lane/Sipe- Temporal Analogues Of Paradise
Hellborg/Lane/Sipe- Time Is The Enemy



The Greg Howe is the only one I don't have but the rest are great...
The first Uncle Moe's album is my favorite (Barring Planet X and On the Virg)fusion album. Amazing!Emergent also kicks ass. It's the reason I started getting into Cynic.
new poster :)

Did you hear about that UFO that hit one of the generators at a wind farm in England? I still don't think they found the missing blade! :lol: Awesome!

My last purchase was a tire repair, toilet paper, a new flapper for the toilet here, and toothpaste. Nice combo....:)
Yeah there were alleged sightings of "lights in the sky" and one blade of the windmill was broken off and the other two were totally bent out of shape. Those things are 300ft high and incredibly tough, only a seriously strong impact from the air could have done that.

Although the Ministry of Defence do use that area for prototype stealth jet testing apparently, so thats the main theory.
Forgas Band Phenomena - L'Axe du Fou
Karcius - Episodes
Serpentina Satelite - Nothing To Say
Farther Paint - Lose Control
Akphaezya - Anthology II: Links From The Dead Trinity

Pineapple Express
3:10 to Yuma
The Roundhouse Tapes


Damnation (vinyl)
Porcupine Tree- We Lost the Skyline (killer disk)


I re-bought the legacy of kain series and ordered Shadow of the Colossus. Thinking about picking up God of War


The Count of Monte Cristo (I read a dumbed-down-for-kids version when I was in 3rd grade...better late than never for the real thing I guess)


Might be picking up a used strat this's a mexican model but the price is right and it plays great. I'll probably do a few upgrades over time, but at the very least, it'll be a good travel/beater guitar.

And while I'm at it...I've gotta say, I LOVE amazon marketplace. 90% of the music, movies, games, and books comes from there these days and I always manage some pretty killer deals.
Riverside - Reality Dream (2CD Ltd Digipak)
Amplifier - The Astronaut Dismantles HAL
Yang - A Complex Nature
Ansur - Warring Factions
Tri of Doom - S/T
Victor Wooton - Palmystery
Swallow the Sun - Plague of Butterflies