Your last purchase??

Happy Birthday, Drew. Biggest question - what kinda beer?

Summit IPA (local brew...first time I've had their IPA and it's pretty solid. I'm actually going on a brewery tour up there on saturday probably), and Schell's Snowstorm (another somewhat local brewery...up in New Ulm I believe). I've been on the lookout for any and all Stone Products but they don't have distribution up here (though supposedly it's on the works), but just over the border in Wisconsin there's supposedly a place that sells it so I'll see if I can coerce some friends into a beer run in that direction. I tried Ruination for the first time over winter break and it was FTW.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone!
Happy B'day Drew! :)

Today arrived:

Hellborg/Lane/Sipe- Temporary Analogues Of Paradise
Hellborg/Lane/Sipe- Time Is The Enemy
Garsed/Helmrich/Willis/Kinsey/Chambers- Uncle Moe's Space Ranch
Tribal Tech- Reality Check
Greg Howe- Soundproof

I bought some Led Zeppelin; I, II, III, IV, Houses of the Holy, Physical Graffiti and Presence!

I have had these for a long time of course, but only on my computer :(
so now I HAD to buy them all :)