Your last purchase??

Mosaic - Ultimatum
Stolt, Roine - The Flower King
Thollot, Francois - Contact
Baron, Erik/D-Zakord - De Futura Hiroshima
Blast - A Sophisticated Face
Campo Di Marte - Campo Di Marte
Coulier - Cool. Cooler. Coulier!
Doctor Nerve - Armed Observation/Out To Bomb Fresh Kings
Koenjihyakkei - Angherr Shisspa
Upsilon Acrux - Radian Futura
Upsilon Acrux - Galapagos Momentum
Rhapsody (of Fire) - The Frozen Tears of Angels

I think this is their best album since Power of the Dragonflame

Periphery - s/t

Heard a song or two a while back and also heard a couple good words about it here...haven't listened to it yet though
Rush - Beyond The Lighted Stage - Will watch it when I get home tonight
Definitely let us know if this rocks.

I too am anxious to hear your KRK Rockit review Kenneth...i'm gonna get some in the next week or so...tossing up between the 6's and the 8's.

I did a bit of research before buying, and the 8 was definitely worth it over the 6. There is just more there, especially in the low mids. I will have to post a review once I buy the second one (still broke) and get back home (still in L.A)
Definitely let us know if this rocks.

Well, I was checking the PPUSA forum last night, at work, and saw someone's post about how they inadvertantly purchased the Blu Ray version. Sure enough, I checked mine and same thing. NO Blu Ray markings ANYWHERE on the front or wrapping, just a blurry rune on the back by the UPC code. I don't have hidef or blu ray here, so we'll see how much of a PITA it is to return in a little bit. Everything I've heard about this has been good. Will throw my 2 cents in when I finally SEE it.....:erk:
My last purchase for a while I think.

Samsung 58" Plasma 3D and 3D Blu-Ray player
Samsung has a deal if you get one of their 3d sets and their 3d bluray player you get the starter kit (2 set of glasses and Monsters Vs Aliens 3d) for free. The Samsung 3d tvs come in Plasma, LCD, LED and range from all various sizes the plasmas are not too expensive for the larger units which is why I opted for the 58, its freaking huge but its only 1.4 " thick. There is one Samsung 3d bluray player but its a great bluray player something like 15 second load times, that unit was $400. The starter kit with the movie and 2 glasses is something like $300 so that was knocked off the price. Glasses are $150 a pair but its just a matter of time before you see 3rd party companies selling them on Amazon for a lot less. Its pretty simple tech they IR sync to the TV and the lenses are large LCD screens that black out at 120hz per eye, the set is 240hz. The only reason I was even looking these was some crazy deal that Dell had, I think it was a 50" LCD, 3d bluray, starter kit and Xbox 360 Elite for $1800. I went to store in my area which met the price, so I did it minus the 360 I have that already.

The 3d is pretty cool, of course there really isnt a lot of media out for it but thats partly because 3d bluray didnt become a standard until December I think. There are only a couple parts of the movie where it seems like it looses tracking but people with the other model sets seem to have the same issue so this might be a movie thing. The other parts are pretty awesome, the space scenes in the begining were pretty awesome in 3d. The real test will be when the ESPN 3d and the other networks start pushing 3d content. The tv has a way to emulate 3d from a 2d signal, I was watching one of the World cup games with this effect turned on, it gave the screen depth but it really wasnt like watching MvA. Its like listening to a 2 chanel audio track movie with the emulated surround sound effect on yeah it does it but nothing like a 5.1 or 7.1 audio track.

The TV has a dozen or so application widgets on it which basically is like having a computer on yout TV. My PC has Windows Media Share setup so I can stream music, pics and video to my 360, it detected the TV right away and set up the TV with the access to my media. There is Netflix, Hulu, Daily Motion, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Google Maps and more on the TV. Text entry is simple its like texting with a phone you use the num pad for text entry. The one thing I wish they would do is add Google Earth in 3d that would be brilliant.
The one 3D-thing coming out of this 3D craze that I will probably buy is the new Nintendo thing. If there are any good RPGs/Strategy games for it.

I'll leave 3D movies for the cinema.
I dont get the chance to go to the theaters much anymore last 4 movies were Iron Man 2, How to Train your Dragon, Watchmen, Iron Man, sad I know. When I do go I take my son and at 2 1/2 years old he's not a fan of wearing glasses in the movies so that also limits my cinematic experience. Its nice to have the option at home :)

I also am looking forward to some games in 3d, I want racing games in the 3d to add to the speed feel, actualy would like to see the 360 Natal used as the interface for a RTS that would be the best use for it, yeah 3d would be pretty slick too. I heard reviewers say that COD MW2 looks great with the 2d-3d emulation on my set, I'll have to try it later.
I just bought Circus Maximus - The 1st chapter, it kick´s ass!

Have also ordered Symphony X - V, which completes my Symphony X Collection!
Heard some good things about it, and can´t wait to listen to it!:hotjump: